chapter two: Getting Away From the Chaos

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" I'm home"! I yelled as I walked through my front door.

"Hi honey, how was your day"!? My mom called from the living room.

I walked into the front room, which is down the hall to the left of the kitchen and sat down next to my mom on our broken couch. The platforms on the bottom of each stand on the bottom of the couch were falling off there was only three of the six left which made it slant slightly to the left.

"It was ok I guess, same way it is everyday" I replied.

"Honey were you bullied again today"? My mom asked concerned.

"No mom, I don't get bullied I have friends" I sort of yelled this at her but it makes me mad when she says this, she acts like I couodnt make friends even if I wanted to.

" alright sweety I'm sorry for asking, why don't you go clean your room before Adam gets home so he doesn't throw a fit and blow up" she said.

"And by throwing a fit and blowing up you mean abuse us, and tell us were good for nothing, because I'm so used to that by now". I said with sarcasm.

"Rebecca Woods go clean your room now and stop complaining Adam is a great man, he is willing to put a roof over our heads and food on our table so you will respect him, do you understand me"!? My mom yelled

"yeah whatever" I huffed.

I walked up the stairs and turned to the right when I saw how dirty it was I couldn't believe it. I couldn't unserstand how I didnt notice how bad it was getting.

"Shit"! I huffed. I knew I had to clean this before Adam got home other wise he would 'throw a fit and blow up'. There was trash on my floor, you couldn't even see my bed, which really is just a mattress on the floor and some blankets. There were piles of clothes everywhere and I don't even know how food wrapers got in there.

I was just getting finished cleaning it all up when I heard the front door slam closed.

"Stacey where the hell Is Becca shes in deep shit with me" yelled Adam.

"Why baby what'd she do" my mom asked as if he was Jesus.

"Don't why baby me, I'm not your baby, your "baby" is the reason we have no money, no food, no nothing"! He screamed. I heard a shriek and a loud smacking noise.

"Becca where the f*ck are you, you little bitch"! He yelled while stomping up the stairs.

I didn't feel like dealing with his BS so I climbed out my window before he could get to my room and I started running. I didn't want to be near the house. Not when he was hurting my mom.

It broke my heart to here my mom in pain because of that bastard. I don't know where i was running to, I just kept running. I ran and ran until I knew I was far away from the house, far away from hereing pain, and far away from being in pain.

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