chapter five: The Car Ride

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The car still had not moved and I know I had been lying in the trunk for at least twenty minutes.

Alls i could do is think about what Bree said before she shovede into the trunk. 'This may be the last time you see Kirtland Ohio'. What the hell does all of this even mean?!

I just wanted to be with Matt and Erin I always felt so safe and happy with them. They would know what to do if they were in my situation.

I thought about my mom, I wonder if she even cares that I've gone missing. Probably not im just a nuscence in the house, just another mouth to feed. Adam definitely doesnt give two shits about me. I have no one.

Im not the type of girl to cry, in fact I hate when people cry I see it as a sign of weakness but lyong lying down in the trunk of a van, being kidnapped by whatever these things are, and knowing no one cared and no one was looking for me got to me. I layed there and cried until i just couldn't anymore.

My eyeliner and mascara had been smeared down my cheeks. The Peirce The Veil shirt I had been wearing was sweaty and smelled like B.O. . My hair that used to be in a loose bun on the top of my head had fallen out and was matted to my face and I just needed a shower in general.

I fell asleep thinking about an escape plan that I never came up with. I know it probably wasnt smart of me to fall asleep but i needed it.

When I woke up I realized the car was moving, I didnt know if I was happy I finally would be getting out of the car soon or if i was terrified because who knew what they had planned for me. I needed to think of a plan and fast, who knew when we would get to wherever they were taking me. Hell I didn't even know where we were going!

I felt a vibration on the left side of my front pocket of my skinny jeans and realized I still had my phone! I could call someone and get help! I found a sharp piece of metal sticking out of the trunk door and used it to saw through the rope around my hands. I finally got my hands free and pulled off the rope that was around my mouth, then i untied my feet.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw a text from Erin saying 'where are you' but i dialed nine one one as fast as i could.

"911, whats your emergency"?

I was overcome with joy.

"Hi im stuck in the trunk of a van and im being kidnapped, please, please help me"! I was panicking so I might have been talking a little fast.

"Okay, slow down honey where are you"? She asked.

"Um... Kirtland Ohio is the last place I was at when they shoved me into the trunk, I'm sixteen, my names Becca Woods, please help me dont let them kill me"! I didnt realize how loud i was being until the car came to a stop and everything got quiet.

"Sweety help will be on the way, what kind of car is it"? She asked.

"Um a silver chevy express i think" I whispered. "Wait the car isnt moving anymore, i think we stopped".

"Okay sweet heart im going to need you to help me okay" she said.

"Okay" i whispered.

when the lady started to talk again thr trunk door swung open. I was blinded by the sunlight and alls i could make out was Aleks face hovering over me.

"What the hell do you think your doing"?! Alek half asked.

"I was just.." before i could finish Alek grabbed the phone out of my hand.

"Hey"! I yelled.

"911 can't save you now cutie" Alek said.

I tried to yell for help but i was distracted by the silver shovel that was being handed to Alek by Bree.

"Wait, what are you.." before I knew it, the shovel was flying down at my face.

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