chapter three: The Alley

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I was scared once I actually stopped running and realozed where I was because apparently i ended up running all the way to a really really long alley. I was all alone and it was getting dark out. The alley was between two buildings. It was a really long alley and something about it was different then most other alleys.

I pulled out my phone to see what time it was amd it was six o'clock. I decided that I'd go back home at seven. It was strange to me that I've never seen the alley before yet I've lived in Kirtland Ohio all of my life.

I was debating whether I wanted to walk down the alley or not whenni remembered a really scary story on the news. It was about teens and young adults going missing. All of the sudden there was a huge amount of people leaving to go to or from work, parties, stores, clubs, or even schools that were going missing.I wanted tonjust leave and go somewhere else when I thought of that. Then I thought, why would I get kidnapped or killed? I haven't done anything wrong to anyone or at least I don't think i have. Out of anyone going missing it wouldnt be me.

I decided to just walk down the alley, I was being a baby and its not like I had anywhere else to go. It was either the dark alley or my house where abuse awaits.

I walked quite a long way down the alley expecting something cool, but there was nothing. Literally nothing, usually there's grafeetie or something but it didn't even have that. I kept walking anyways, I didn't have anything better to do.

I got a bit farther down the alley and saw a some sort of light coming out of a door from the back of the building. I checked my phone for the time and noticed it was six thirty so I set my phones alaram for seven o'clock. I was confused as to why there would be someone actually in a building doing something this far down the alley so I had to go check it out.

I walked to the door and slowely opened it just in case there was a gang or a cerieal killer inside. I slowly let it shut behind me and instantly was in awe. The place was huge, there were a bunch of boxes all over the place and old furniture that was absolutely gorgouse. There was also a ton of old antique stuff all over the place.

I heard voices and quickley hid behind a dresser a little farther away from the door. It sounded like three guys and two girls having a meeting about something. I peeked around the dresser to see if I could get a view. I saw a long wooden table with five teens sitting around it and my prediction was right there were three teen guys and two teen girls.

From what I could see the three guys were not at all bad looking. Each of them were skinny but I could definitely tell they had muscles. One of the guys had blonde hair, one had black, and one had brown. The girls had orange and blonde hair. The black and blonde haired guys looked about 17 or 18 and the two girls looked about 16. The brown haired guy looked about 19 or 20 though.

"We should move on to the next city were close to getting caught by the winchesters here". said the blonde guy.

"He's right, weve caused a lot of ruckus here and this will be the first place Sam and Dean look for us at". said the girl witn the orange hair.

I was so confused, what were they talking about 'caused enough damage'?!

"Okay we will feed one last time tonight, don't leave bodies or any evidence that couldlead the Winchesters to us". said the brown haired guy.

I was completely shocked and kind of terrified, 'don't leave bodies'!? 'We will feed one last time'!?! What the hell is going on!?

"Alright go kill and feed, remember though don't leave anything behind". Said the brown haired guy.

I was just about to get up and run away when the most inconvenient thing that could possibly happen, happened.

The alarm I set on my phone for seven o'clock went off.

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