chapter four: Caught and Captured

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I tried to shut it off as fast as I could but before I knew it all five of them were out of there seats looking all around the big room for me.

"Who's here"!? Asked the bloned guy

"James you act like calling for them is going to make the person give themself up"! Yelled the brown haired guy.

I didn't know where to go they were tearing the place apart searching for me. I guess James was the blonde kids name.

I was so scared i couldnt move, how the hell did I get myself into this! I wated to run to the exit but I figured I wouldn't run fast enough and I probably would get caught and killed.

I was trapped if I stood upthey would see me, if I run for it they would eventually catch me. I had no choice but to run though. I stood up and ran for the exit, but I was to slow and the girl with the blonde hair caught me.

"Alisons got her"! Yelled the black haired guy

"Please let me go, I didn't meam but in, I'm so sorry, please"! I pleaded

"Awh you think were just going to let you run away and tell the cops about us"? Asked the orange haired girl.

"No I won't tell anyone I swear, I barely heard anything you guys talked about, please I'm only sixteen, I don't want to die"! I yelled.

"What makes you think we should believe you"?! Asked the black haired guy.

"Ya our friend Noah here is right, for all we know you could be a hunter hun"! Said Alison

"I don't even know what you mean, please don't hurt me I'm just a kid I don't deserve this"! I yelled

I've never felt so much fear build up inside of me like it did at this moment. For the first time in my life I would rather have been home with Adam and my mother then out somewhere else.

"Shut up and get a hold of yourself, you may not even be worth turning"! yelled the brown haired guy.

"TURNING"?!? I yelled

"Yes darling, turning"said the ginger.

"Take her to the van and put her in the trunk, but first tie up her hands and feet and cover her mouth with something, you think you can do that Bree"? Asked the brown haired guy while pointing at the orange haired girl.

"Sure can Alek"! She said with an evil smile.

"The rest of the group, including myself will go feed, after you have tied her hands and feet, and put something over her mouth, throe her in the trunk and then you may go feed as well, like I was saying before don't leave a mess, make it look like we never were even in this city, amd meet up back here at eight thirty, its seven right now so I eould hurry"! Commanded Alek.

Everyone except Bree and I left the building to go 'feed', whatever that ment. I knew it didn't mean anything good.

Bree dragged me forcefully to a seat at the table and pushed me into it. At this point I was more confused then anything. What was feeding, what did Alek mean 'I might not be worth turning'?! None of this made any sense. It all seemed fake I felt like I was on an episode of American Horror Story.

"Hold out your arms" Bree commanded.

I just sat there and stared at her with a blank look on my face, kind of like the look on my face at school all the time.

"Ooo, honey chronic bitch face is a serious problem you should probably get that checked out" Bree said with sarcasm.

She grabbed my armsnherself amd started tying my hands together. Before she could finish I stood up and punched her right in her nose with my tied fists. I don't know what came over me it was like a ruch of confidemce and adrenalin.

"Haha"! Bree started laughing hysterically.

I was so lost, I just punched this bitch in the nose as hard as I could and she started laughing at me!

"What the hell"!? I yelled.

"Sweetheart you can't hurt me, you are literally nothing compared to my strength"! She said laughing

"Sit down and cooperate before you get yourself hurt sweety" Bree said.

This made me so angry she was literally my age calling me homey, darling, and sweety. I sat down anyways, I knew she was stronger then I am so there was no use in resisting.

Once she finally got done tying my legs and arms, she lead me to the van.

"Take a good look hun, and feel the summer breeze against your skin. This may be the last time you see Kirtland Ohio". Bree said evily.

Bree flashed a smile at me and before I could get the words I wanted to say out, she wrapped a piece of rolled up cloth around my mouth. The she threw me into the trunk of a Chevy Express Passenger Van.

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