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(name) jolted away from her nap as she felt the plane stopped meaning they finally arrived to their destination, she excitedly fixed her hair to a ponytail, leaving two strands of hair.

She unbuckled her seat belt and stood up like the rest of the passengers to get her hand carry bag from the top shelves, before walking out from the plane.

She managed to find the rest of her luggage, and looked left to right frantically trying to find her best friend and her family, her heartbeat sped nervously as she looked everywhere at the Gate 5 arrivals.

And that she saw a certain green jacket, like her best friend wears Everytime both of them when they're on call, It was Mei who looked everywhere for (name) left to right as well with her parents and some 2 more friends.

She sprint towards Mei and gave her big ass bear hug she could do, both females fell down with an oof.

"(NAME)! EEEEEEEEE!" And that Mei recognize her demon bestie, she began to burst to tears and hugged her tightly. Meanwhile at the back Mei's parents were overjoyed seeing her daughter reunited with her long time best friend, as well as for Sandy who just cheered in happiness with Mo on his shoulder and Mk who just stared at Awe at the sight of the demon girl.

"AAAAAAAAAAA I CAN'T FRICKIN BELIEVE YOU ARE HERE!" (Name) whipped her own tears, and began to him in agreement, she began to stand helping her bestie up as they both threw a laughing fit.

"I see why my daughter likes you too much dearie."
Mei's mom smiled at the demon girl, she just gave both elders a bow of respect and both bowed back before turning to Mei's friends.

She sprinted at them and tackled them a hug, Sandy gladly took a chance to give Mei's demon bestie a friendly bear hug, and looked towards Mk who still awe by her beauty. She glanced at him making him stiff as he knew he was being noticed by a certain demon girl and felt a soft hand pat on his hand.

He relaxed a bit but smiled which (name) smiled in return.

"And that, bestie was Mk and Sandy." Mei replied putting an arm around the demon girl's shoulder with a bright smile.

(Name) finally noticed the boy Mk and began to hummed and swinging her arms up and down, clearly telling something.

"She said: it was finally nice to meet you after years talking behind the screen." Mei chuckled, as Mk began to flush remembered the girl Mei told him about.

She doesn't look like a demon but she is one.

A ball of sunshine, that can kill you 👁️👄👁️
I mean, you never know how powerful this sunshine demon girl is.

"We don't we get to the car and catch up? Yeah?" Both Sandy and (name) jumped in excitement as Mk just smiled but nodded and soon all of them loaded inside the car.

"So Mei! Tell me more about (name)!" Her dad replied, and as well the rest of the group was intrigued to know her too, meanwhile (name) minding her own business, she pats Mo with flowers around her clearly liking the huge blue guy's cat.

"Oh yeah! You wouldn't mind right (name)?" The demon girl just huffed and nodded in agreement still petting Mo gently.

"Well..let's see. She has an older brother! She just finished junior high, on her senior high next year, and ooh! She really is excited meeting you guys too! This going to be (name)'s best vacation Eva!" Mei yelled out with Sandy.

"And she really wants to know everything about certain someone too, right? (Name)?" She smirked at Mk who looked obviously nervous yet flushed looking out the window of the car.

"Well I mean.." he started, (name) just scoot towards the boy as he was red as tomato sauce, and gave the demon girl Infront of him a wobbly smile.

Sandy, and Mei began to snicker looking at Mk who was having a crush on a certain demon girl, and who was sweating yet put on a brave and smug face telling everything about him, well of course about him also being a successor of the great sage himself.

He began to ramble how awesome Monkey King is (a.k.a Sun Wukong ofc 😏✨) and ofc that made the demon girl intrigued by the monkey king, he told her how he trapped the Demon Bull King using a staff.

She began to hum wildly, stars sparkle on her eyes before clapping, and that the group arrived at Mei's house, all of them stepped out helped getting (name)'s luggage as the 2 besties zoomed inside the house, and their way to (name)'s bedroom.

"This is where you will be staying for the meantime! I hope it's not that much lol. You can go to my room which is across from yours and sleep together! Like y'know sleepover! EEEEEEEEE" Mei squealed before running out the room and came back with a little something on her hands.

"Here! Mom gave me the idea to give you a welcome present, I hope it wasn't too much..and hope you like it!" Mei shoved the gift to her demon bestie's arms and began to scan it with interest and that she tackled Mei a hug and a rub on her back which made her relax.

She tore the gift down and saw a (favorite color) sweater with written Girl Boss #1 and that she excitedly put the sweater on her and glanced towards Mei who widens her smile at the sight.

She took hers and put it on with a Girl Boss #2, but it's green instead of (favorite color). It's a duo sweaters and it was awfully nice and cozy.

"Alright! Selfie!!!" She took her phone with a cute dragon phone case and snap a quick picture of them with both fingers shaped as a heart.

I wonder what other interesting things she'll do in this vacation.. oh trust me. WAY MORE interesting after all it's all starting now.

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