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(name) looked at Pigsy with dotted eyes with Mei beside her, she watched the man rage about Mk late again at his work that he should be delivering noodles but instead he wanders off to Monkey King for practice.

(Name) frowned at the man who was fuming with anger, meanwhile Tang sat on a stool with his noodles, and Mei was now scrolling on socials, until she ushered to the demon girl to sit beside her and obeyed.

"We have to go on the beach together someday!" She gushed eyes sparkling while looking from one of her followers who took a quick selfie of the ocean and posted it on Twitter.

(Name) looked awed at the beach and nodded at her best friends' idea. (Name) began to sniff the air alarming Mei, which she just looked at her friend in confusion.

"(Name)? Bestie? What's wrong?" And that's when (name) began to growl and both eyes formed into a slit shape she began to dash outside and of course as well the others too.

"(Name)? Bestie? What's wrong?" And that's when (name) began to growl and both eyes formed into a slit shape she began to dash outside and of course as well the others too

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A huge shadow demon was destroying the city, (name) can't help but growl at the enemy.

I can't let him do that! Protect humans! Protect anyone who was dear to me! Help friends! Like Onii-chan said once..I become a demon in the family for a reason! I'll use my abilities for the greater good! But first..where the hell is Mk?

(Name) glanced at Mei who was taking her phone and began scrolling her contacts and called Mk.

"Mk! We really need your help! ASAP! " Mei yelled out to her phone, (name) began to snatch Mei's phone and showed the huge ass shadow demon who was destroying the city.

"MMHM! MMH! MHM!! MHM!" all of them just looked at the demon girl (expect for Mei cause she know what she meant, bc two girls share the same brain cells) with confusion, literally don't know what she said, and a sweatdrop.

"We'll work on that bamboo muzzle of yours later " Mk replied back and dropped the phone off, before giving it Mei.

After minutes passed Mk finally arrived, (name) Tackled the boy with a hug earning a blush from him (MC being bold today oml) He just gave the girl a head pats before turning serious again, as well as (name) who growled loudly.

"What took ya so long?!" Mei asked looking at Mk angerily.

"Sorry! Sorry, Monkey King was making me do boring stuff. Is that the bad guy?" (Name) become to face palm at Mk's stupidity.


(name) let out a 'mhm' and pointed at the tall shadow titan before shaking her head.

"Okay, Be right back! Here comes-" Mk jumped towards the huge shadow titan demon, (name) began to facepalm at his reckless move as Mei yelled out to Mk.

"Monkie Kid-" and that he was thrown to the ground, making a hole next to Pigsy.

Both Sandy and Pigsy rest beside Mk, and began to notice something dark silhouette fly overhead, (name) pointed it out as the rest of the homies looked towards where the demon girl was pointing.

"Is that? Monkey King?!" The squad looked towards the Dark silhouette defeats the shadow demon using his glowing purple staff, and defeats it like it's nothing.

(Name) began to worry, she doesn't even know if that's the Monkey King, Mk and the rest of the squad was talking about. She expected the monkey king to have a bright strong aura and color, not emo looking shit. (No offense he hawt 👁️👄👁️) and with that she climbed one of the roof where Mk was.

"Yes! MONKEY- WAAAAAHH!" He screamed and fell of the building and that made the two demons looked down at the boy with concern.


The other monkey was about to turn around he saw Mk reappear Infront of him and gave him a smirk, as well as the demon girl who just looked at him with a glare puff of smoke coming out from her ears.

A threat! Warning!


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"THAT WAS AWESOME! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CAME- oh .this is awkward. You aren't Monkey King." Mk stated before rubbing his nape slowly.

Of course he is not! You Teme.

"I get that a lot. Monkie Kid right?" He stated, looking at the boy Infront him with a smirk. (Oml that was attractive 👁️👄👁️)

"H-How did you-?!"

"Your staff kind of gives you away, dude. Not just anyone can wield that thing." He chuckled (attractively 😔✨) and glanced at the girl who was still giving him a glare, while hiding behind Mk's back.

Fucking threat- emo looking bitch-

"Who is this cutie anyway?" He stated looking at (name), which she replied by flipping him off, which made both males caught off guard before the man gave a heartfelt laugh.

"Don't mind her! She's just wasn't being used to meeting other people, or demons I guess." Mk stated giving the girl another head pat which she calmed down.

"Oh! And who are you?" Mk asked, still patting the demon girl's head.

"Macaque. Actually, the six eared Macaque." (Name) perked up hearing a his name, she suddenly remembered her older brother (Tanjiro) would tell stories about him when they both children, surprisingly part of her wanted to know him more but she sniffed the air smelling threat around him.

"Well, see you around Mk..You too princess." He said before walking away, but Mk run Infront of him and (name) looked worriedly at the male.

"Can you teach me that awesome thing?!" He pleaded, (name) hummed she knew shit wasn't going to be a good idea.

But isn't he training with another monkey? Monkey King?

"Uh, Don't you have already a master?" Macaque asked before backing away.

Mk replied with hesitation, (name) walked towards the boy rubbing his back before shook her head saying 'i know what you are doing, and it's going to be bad!' look.

But Mk being a stubborn shit, Macaque broke the two and answered.

"But you can never have too many teachers right? I'm sure the Monkey King would agree." He replied before holding Mk's back as well as the demon girl who just swatted the hands away.

"Um, yes! He be totally cool with it! " they were about to go but (name) took Mk's hands and pulled him away from the emo looking monkey.

"(Name)? Wanna come with us?" Mk asked, Macaque looked at the demon girl with a smirk, after hearing her name.

The girl just shook her head, and kept pulling the boy's hands.

"I can't stay long (name)..I've got practice!" Mk yelled out, making Macaque flinched (surprisingly) but the girl didn't bunch but out a soft voice between her muzzle.

"Please.. don't go."

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