Chapter 4:

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Stella's POV:

People are reaching the moon while I can't even get my hair in a presentable manner. Fuck my life!

I stood in front of my mirror in my walk in closet with my wild curls flying in all directions. I wish mum was here, I thought with unshed tears in my eyes.
That was all I could think on recent times. I won't say miss her beacuse for that she would have to be forgotten which was from the truth.

I heard Al knock and then he called out,"Stella? Are you ready?"

"No" I groaned.

He walked in , wearing black slacks and a crisp white shirt with gold cuff links. You see casual wear seemed a foreign concept to my brothers.

" Hey! What's wrong little Star?"

I turned towards him fully and just shrugged.

He seemed to figure out my problem soon. Of course. Al was so calculative and as cold as ice if he wanted to be. The media was probably right that because of those qualities he was untouchable.

" You remember when you used to force me to do your hair beacuse you liked it when I did it? Let me tell you sweetheart I haven't lost my magic yet." He said while leaning against the wall of my closet with his legs crossed at the ankles.

I smiled remembering how I used to run around a teenage Alessandro pestering him about my hair.

I silently went towards him and handed him the hair-combe and soon he led me towards the black fluffy armchair of my room. He sat on it while I sat on the floor beneath him.

He soon started working on my hair while I was quite.

" When will be dad back?" I broke the silence.

" Soon I think. You know it is important for him to be there, right?"

" Hmm."

It was surprising and new for him to leave the topic like that.

" Done. See I told you I haven't lost my touch."

That was true he had so perfectly made my  hair into two dutch braids.

" It's funny that Alessandro Warren so perfectly knows how to braid a girl's hair. The media might have field day with that information."

" I reckon the information everyone knows although is that Alessandro Warren will do everything and anything for his little sister."

I craned my neck towards him and gave him a soft smile. I never doubted what he said. At the end of the day how much ever things got bad I would never doubt him , nor any of my brothers.

He kissed my head and said, " What's wrong? And the truth sweetheart"

" How do always know when something is wrong?"

" Call it brotherly instincts."

" More like Alessandro instincts"

"Still waiting for an answer my Star."

" It's actually about Alex. Please don't tell him anything, right? I might be looking into things too much- but..."

" Stella dear it's getting late. You need to hurry."  It was Aria our house help.

" We will have this conversation once you're back from school. Take care, alright? Love you."

I hugged him and then rushed downstairs towards the parking where Gian our driver was waiting.

" Good morning Gian , how have you been?"

"Grazie cara , I have been good" he replied when I got in and soon started driving off.

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