Chapter 8:

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Third person's pov:

Mess with me , I will leave you with a warning.
Mess with my family, I will destroy you.
Mess with my sister, there would be


veryone in the business knew if messing with Alessandro Warren was a mistake then messing with his family was sin , especially his sister. Yes, his sister who had him wrapped  around her little finger. One who he would commit every single crime for. Just like that , no questions asked.

For Stella  her  brothers might be her protectors but her eldest brother was the one she looked towards the most , who filled in her father's shoes. Both of them knew if everything went down hill he would be the first person she would call for. Hell! Everyone knew it.

So imagine his surprise when he came to know his sister lied to him by omission. That hurt him more than he could admit. That cold hearted bastard after all had a heart that beat for his sister.

Still he knew his sister like the back if his hand. Knew her enough to know that yesterday night  when she admitted to him , she left out some part of the story that was bothering her.

That was Stella's toxic habit. She knew she was insecure to let her brother know about all the body shaming.

That's the reason today , Alessandro entered Rosewood High in all his glory.
There was an aura to this man, even if it was intimidating he attracted attention. He knew it well too , but ask if that man gave any damn.

He walked in as if he owned that damn place. Entered the head office , while the principal straightened and got up. Well , Alessandro Warren visiting? It could either go well or not too well. Nothing in between.

" Uh.. good morning sir. It's our pleasure to have you." The principal stumbled and hesitantly extended his hand for a shake.

" Wish I could the say the same." He replied while opening the button of his black suit and taking his place on the chair with crossed legs.

" May I know the reason.."

" Excuse my manners her that I'm cutting you of but I don't have time to entertain an incompetent principal who couldn't do his work properly." He seethed.

" I can't comprehend what you are trying to say ." The principal fumbled.

" I will make this easier for you. You know what I hate? Someone messing with me but do you know what I fucking despise? My sister being hurt. So imagine my surprise or rather my anger when I come to know she was hurt , she was fucking  blammed for what she didn't even do. Get it now, yes?" He was now playing with the paper weight on the desk in front of him with his ring laden fingers.

" But how is it not her fault?" The principal was foolish enough to question that. One thing he should have known questioning Alessandro Warren was a fucking mistake.

Alessandro chuckled with an evil laugh while shaking his head.
" I  will say this once and once , never fucking question me. Unlike you I am not one of those who speaks before he thinks. Now , I have a little time. Have an empire to run , yes? So I will get to the point. Now , I want that girl restricted because if my sister reacted the way she did there would be a reason. "

" Sir I can't jus.."

" I thought I was clear enough. That was an demand not a request. This should set an example to everyone who is foolish enough to mess with my little sister. With Alessandro Warren's fucking sister."


And you know why I'm sparing you? Because I want you too redeem yourself. By doing what? By getting into this situation and letting me know what exactly is troubling my sister."

With that said he left and the principal was too stunned to speak. As soon as he reached the door he turned with a smile that could even deceive the devil.

" Oh I wish for your sake there wouldn't be an another time with this shit. I am gentleman enough to let you know before destroying you but my brothers aren't. They wouldn't blink an eye or give you a chance to decipher before starting a war if they come to know about this ."

After that morning, he went and did what he did. Run the corporate world. Crack deals and intimidate people for a hobby.

That afternoon he received the message that the work was done. He did want to deal with the girl personally but today he had an important date. A date with his sister. Which he took very significantly.

After that message he took his Bentley and left to the bookstore cafe his sister particularly loved. She was already waiting for him outside. He smiled internally, always the perfectionist , always ahead of time.

He took her in a side hug while kissing her hair. " I told you to wait inside."

" You are early. Just reached now." Stella replied while shrugging.

They spent the day together , talking , eating. Although he did notice that she didn't indulge much in the food. He questioned her too . She replied that she already had a snack.

The day eneded well , with quality time. Time spent with your favourite people was bittersweet . It  was always special but always ended in a blink of eye. Still , everything about that quality time is worth it. Once in a while it compensated for every wrong days


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