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"Tell me, Roguefort why do you want me?!" Almond yelled. "Because, your heart is a harder one to steal jewel...and you didn't fall...I can clearly tell you're the one, jewel~.." When Roguefort said that almond froze in flattery. "I-I—" "you what jewel? You love me~?" Almond didn't know what to do in the moment. "You've lost your tongue, jewel? Very cute.." *roguefort kisses almond* "alright, now come on jewel let's enjoy this party." Roguefort held almonds hand and took him to the party. "My jewel do you just want to relax in the shadows while I go change back into my disguise?" As he looked at his one and only. "Yeah...let's just relax I guess.." when Roguefort came back Almond grabbed Rogueforts hand and kissed it. *sigh* "Roguefort, do you..want to dance?" He then kisses his hand. Roguefort wasn't expecting it from him. "U-uh...yes! I've been waiting for you to ask.let's go jewel." They headed to the dance floor, and started dancing. "You're the quite the dancer, huh Roguefort?" Roguefort looked at almond. "Heh, yeah well I must learn how to, to win hearts." When he said that almond laughed. "Come on goat cheese let's go get a drink." Roguefort looked at almond. "Alright, workaholic." They both headed to the bar, and the bar tender was very talkative, he was telling them stories and they where quite the tale. "Did they really say that?!" Almond said. *roguefort ugly sobs* "surprisingly yes—" the bar tender said. Roguefort dropped his face on almonds shoulder and started wheezing, when Roguefort was done laughing he rested his head on almonds shoulder. "Will there be anymore drinks?" The bar tender asked. "Maybe just two waters" almond said. The bar tender then gave the both of them the drinks. Cheese Cake walked over. "Hey you can start closing the bar down now, there's only about 20 minutes left, plus most of the cookies are passed out or drunk." Cheese Cake looked over at almond. "Do you think this will ruin your reputation. Since all the jewelry was stolen?" Almond said. "Maybe it will...but at least everything was returned, so it's alright...I guess..." She said with a saddened tone. Roguefort looked kinda annoyed. "Come on almond it's getting late we should head to our homes." Roguefort said. "Alright" almond said.

A Party To Last Till Morning (Roguefort X Almond Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now