Chapter 1.

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I ran outside, I couldn't bear seeing their bodies on the ground... My mum...My dad....They were dead! I quickly called the police and told them what happened. They found me five minutes later sobbing on the ground, they tried to comfort me while some of them investigated inside the house. But they were gone forever and I would never see them again .. 


I look up at the ceiling and then around my room, its been a week or so since I moved in with my older brother....whenever I'm around him I feel threatened and I feel like he's keeping secrets from me, he wont tell me what I don't remember in the murder of my parents. and living outside the woods is calm, sure , but you could always here strange eerie noises coming from there. I don't actually know if that's normal when you live outside the woods, but it doesn't scare me, the nightmares I had makes monsters in the woods pretty tame.

"Y/n I have to go!" a voice shouted from downstairs. I shouted a bye and heard a slam. my brother works somewhere about twenty minutes from here, I sat and pondered on my bed, I never really explored the woods before so I decided to go and have a small look. I quickly changed and packed a swiss army knife, some water a small snack and my phone, then I headed into the woods!

It was so beautiful. I heard birds from above and I can hear a small river near by, I ventured further , the deeper into the woods I get the more majestic and scarier it gets. I explored for another 10 minutes and then decided to turn and head back when I hear a twig snap, I turned around but I couldn't see anyone and instead of running or walking away I pulled out my swiss army knife and I looked around. I didn't see anyone so I just headed home. 

                                                                                     --------                                                                                                        My brother arrived a few hours later ,we had dinner and we watched a movie together. I didn't tell him that I was venturing in the woods I got in bed at around 11 but I didn't sleep until 1 I was thinking about the woods and if someone was there watching me ,I had a weird dream about strange demons but my dream warped into... something else, It was a dark room so I looked around for a switch but all I found was a small light and when I turned it on I saw my parents dead on the floor.

It was like I was a mouse just seeking shelter but I couldn't escape who I was and what I did, even if I get to be free the image will always linger in my mind... 

(447 words!)

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