Chapter 2.

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(Warning: cursing, blood)


I covered my ears as I heard a scream I looked down and saw my parents Dead, the killer dropped the knife and ran. I was angry and confused I was scared of what would happen to me. I didn't know what I did but I remember that I was running because I couldn't bear the sight of them..


I woke up the next day sweating, my brother had gone to work early, I took a shower 3 hours after breakfast and I looked outside. I decided to explore the woods more. I packed a sandwich and my trusty swiss army knife! (and phone) and headed out. When I entered I decided to collect some flowers and mushrooms but I soon got tired of that and went to the river near by, when I heard a twig snap. I looked around but couldn't find anyone I looked further in the woods and decided to go just a bit further this time.. 

 I hear a faint static noise and I suddenly felt the urge to fall asleep so I sat down near a tree, Surely it wont hurt to take a little nap?... right?


I woke up SHIT it was already dark and the moon was shining above me. My brother must be so worried! I turn to get up but be in the fetus position for hours make my back hurt like hell. I stumbled a bit and ran out of the forest .. or was it the other way? SHIT SHIT SHIT I'm lost! Great! just great! I look around for some sort of path or clue to get me out but there was nothing just the trees and the owls. 

I've been looking around for at least an hour or so but nothing, if anything I probably got more lost. I sighed, I checked my phone some time ago but there was no signal so I just gathered some sticks and stones and made a fire , I honestly don't care if I die  but still, Dying in the woods is so overrated and I'd choose underrated over overrated any day.

I feel my neck tingle a bit as if I'm being watched so I turn around and see a strange but familiar boy staring at me,  uhm what the fuck?! is he here to kill me or something?!  the familiar boy stared at me and just twitched "Hello?" I asked "...hi" he replied back he had chestnut brown hair that fell above his eyes, a black and white mask on with orange goggles, he was also wearing a beige hoodie that was striped with a darker shade on the sleeves but his hood was blue, he kept twitching now and again                                                                                                              "Who .. who are you?" I asked him                                                                                                                      "..T-Toby"                                                                      it was hard to tell his emotions because it looked blank.                                                                               "Do you know a way out of here?" I questioned him,                                                                                            wait  maybe he was the guy who saw me yesterday, yup I already came to a conclusion that it was not a mouse or a rabbit that broke the twig but a man. the man cleared his throat                "why should I trust you?" he asked him, his voice a little more louder than before, I stayed silent how was I suppose to answer that?                                               
"why should I trust you?" he repeated again.                                                                                              "well I haven't ran away or killed you have I?"                                                                                                Toby  just stared at me and walked away                                                                                                          "Wait! please I need to find my way home" I ran to catch up with him.                                                Toby just kept going augh this is so stupid he doesn't even know where I-  Toby was gone But I saw my house...

My brother got so angry with me, he told me not to back to the woods unless he's with me. when I went to bed that night I saw toby and the woods, then it warped back into the same nightmare except at the end I smelled fire and I was running, running from someone? or, something? 

(675 words!)

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