Chapter 4

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"Oh yeah Toby I forgot to tell you....something...." It was a blond boy with pale skin and Eyes full of black and dried blood was visible under his "eyes".

I screamed

his eyes widened

"TOBY WHO IS THA-" Toby quickly shut the blond boys mouth and he closed the door

"W-what are you?!" I'll admit, I was kind of scared.

The boy slowly backed away and he glanced at Toby then he looked back at me

"Y/n I can explain.." Toby said to me

"Woah.. Tobias Rogers.. HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" The blond boy laughed and and blood come out of his eyes

"OMG Your eyes!" I pointed out, Toby looked irritated 

"BEN, They ARE NOT MY GIRLFRIEND, and who said they were a she."

"Does.. does-" The boy named Ben started cracking up again

"Does He know about this?" He stared at Toby and Toby nodded

"OK CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHATS GOING ON?" I shouted a bit to loud

They both looked at me then Toby said

"Y/n you are in the Creepypasta mansion, a crib full of monsters and killers where we live with our boss, Slenderman, yes, this place is real it's not a myth or stories to keep children out of the woods. We are merciless killers, some dead, some alive, and we worship Satan. -(He whistles and clicks his tongue)- That's what's going on. I saved you from your home because you wouldn't have anywhere else to go."

My eyes widened, He stared at me as if giving me pity. I sat on the bed They were killers.. they killed people. Then Ben said

"well since Boss allows it.. we should start over, y'know, open a new book! My names BEN all capitals by the way and I love games! I.AM.NOT a pervert like other people say,  and anyways I'm 12"

"Don't let Jeff here you say that" Toby eyed BEN

the door creaked open "Don't let me hear what?" A voice growled,

 A man about 5'11 with extremely pale skin and burnt off eyelids, a disturbing smile that looked like it have been permanently carved into his face, he was wearing a pair of black dress pants with a white hoodie and it was stained with some blood.

"Well well well, Who's this pretty person you have here, Rogers? Not bothering to share, I see" the boy stared at me and gave me a cold smile

"J-jeff get out." Toby gave him a stern look

"Ah alright Rogers 'The boy 'Jeff" Gave me a quick glance and left slamming the door behind him. soon after that  I was introduced to everyone else, to be honest with you I was very scared I met a lot of murderers that night, but then I remembered my brother. I felt guilty for leaving him, Toby said I should get some rest early and so I did. I was starting to trust this guy.


I woke up with a start and saw Toby curdled up in the floor, he was sleeping peacefully. I got some clothes Slenderman had given me and took a quick shower, when I finished Toby had woken up 

"C'mon Y/n! were going on a mission today,"

I stopped and Toby had noticed.

"Don't worry, I'll do most of the killing, It's just that your kind of a vessel to Him now so you have to get used to it" He smiled at me

I didn't smile back.


Once I finished breakfast Toby gave me a knife ,for protection he said, and we set of into the woods. we saw 2 girls about 15,one blond, the other brunnete.  they were must have been camping, then without warning Toby slashed  the brunnete in the head. The blond girl stared and started running. We chased after her, naturally Toby ran faster than me. he muffled the girl and put his hatchet through his skull. I may not have wanted to kill anyone but I felt useless, utterly useless. Toby was inspecting the girl when I heard rustling. I turned around to see another girl, shorter than them she had ginger hair and she was calling someone, suddenly I had the urge to slaughter them. what if they tell the police, Will I get arrested for doing nothing?! These thoughts filled my head as I slowly walked to the girl... and I penetrated the knife I had into their chest. Blood spilled everywhere, I heard a chuckle, It was Toby, he gave me a smile, but this time, it felt fake.

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