Chapter 6

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"Toby... what does this mean-?" I whispered to him. I held up the peice of paper

It obviously meant something,

"I- I don't know." He said to me, he was lying .

"What.Does.This.Mean." I think it might have been a bit too demanding,

His eyes locked onto mine and he stopped twitching for a few seconds, it looked like he was spacing out, he slowly tilted his head to the side

"ItMeansYourFallingIntoSlendermansTrap" He said all too fast but I heard it all

"Trap-" I said slowly , He nodded and looked down "what do you mean?" I said to him

"Hes.. a bit manipulative. Slenderman." while I was at the questioning I decided to ask him about my brother.

"do you know what happened to my brother?"

he shook his head

"Sorry, I don't who he his" And left the room huh strange,

it was dinnertime, I propped myself next to BEN and took some (Favorite-food) I noticed Toby glaring at me but when I looked at him he started talking to hoodie instead. Why does it feel like Everyone is keeping secrets from me? What do I not know?


A few weeks later

That morning, I was told I was to go out on a mission with Clockwork, a brunnete who had a clock for an eye... well for one of them anyways. We headed outside before the sun had fully rose, we were to kill a few men hunting.

"whats your realationship with toby?" she asked me

"What?" I stopped

"She chuckled beside me

"You guys seem really close" She smirked

"I just met him a month ago" I stated, kicking a rock and seeing it fly away

"well, not a lot of people can deal with his annoyingly stupid personality"

"What a surprise" I smiled at her

She looked at me as if trying to figure me out then her face turned blank and cold

"You should get out of here while you can, I don't know the deal with you but I know you can't survive here " She whispered as if afraid someone might hear us.


She dragged me to the edge of the forest and said



In a dark office filled with paperwork of dead or dangerous people, some innocent, a corkboard with pictures of people some had names under them like. "Tobias Erin Rogers, Jeffrey C Hodek, Jack Nickels, Y/n L/n.. A brunnete girl entered the room stumbling in tiredly "I havent seen them" She said, He looked at her dangerously "Find them. now" She looked up cautiously"I already look- Your- Cho- Ck- ing- me" She gasped for breath. His tentacles tioghtened around her neck "Listen, Dugoulo will find them and we will fall under his control. So.Find.Them."


I gasped as I woke up,

What was that?

I looked around to what seems to be a clean patient room

"Wha-What happened-???"

A nurse with a short black bob and dark brown eyes wearing a purple scrub entered the room

"where am I?" I sat up, I rubbed my eyes "who are you??"

The nurse paused and looked at me, she spoke with calmness in her voice,

"My name is Nurse Emi and you are in St. Summers hospital, do you remember your name ?"

"...Y/N.... Y/N uhm- Rogers"

"I see, well, we found you outside a forest, can you remember what you saw last?"


"any family?"

" brother. "

"I see, please stay seated while I try to find more information."

She stood up and left the room leaving me alone, feeling a little sick, I looked at the window and it looked really bright like a large flashlight was on the other side facing the window.

There was a small box on the table beside the 'bed' I was sitting on, it had my name written on it, I picked it up and set it gently on my lap.

I opened it slowly revealing a blue penguin plushie covered in red paper hearts, it's beady black eyes staring straight at me. I searched around for a card or for a clue from who it's from but nothing I set the plushie on the table and kept looking around.

The room was white and clean and there were a few of those "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" or a anatomy of human bodies for kids posters, there was also a tv in front of me but I couldn't find the remote anywhere.

I looked at the corner of the room, If I was any slower I swear I would have missed it, I saw something, something big. on the walls, crawling, before it Dissapeared into a large black hole. I kept staring at it and I swear I saw a face. just, staring at me!

I looked around for the help button to summon a nurse, I leaped up and clicked it, over and over again.

A nurse came in looking confused and panicked,

"What's wrong??" She asked me

"The-  the corner! Of the room! Look! Look!"

She looked up her widened eyes relaxed and she sighed

"It's just a spider, no need to be worried L/N"

Spider? Seriously? Can...can she not see that? That hole? In the wall?

"No no no no, look! The.. The large hole..!"

She looked at me weirdly

", please rest up, I think you need it very much"

Maybe I do, Maybe I'm going crazy I lay back down


I'm back here again in this strange dream, I see nothing around me but water, it was dark, before I started chocking, I fell to my knees and I felt spiders come out of my mouth and scatter onto the floor. A figure appeared in front of me, bringing his cold icy hands in front of me and tilting my head to look at him. My brother stared at me in my face before grinning, a sick sick grin.

Familiar - Ticci Toby x Reader-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora