Chapter Three: Masterpiece Pt.1

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Nino scratched his chin as he stared at his master plan all drawn out in green expo marker on a large white board he bought solely for this occasion. It was perfect.

"Nino, is this entirely necessary?" Adrien whines as he sits patiently. Waiting for his friend to be done explaining his plan for his fantastic display of chivalry.

"We could go with dinner at the Eifel Tower?" Adrien suggested.

"That is engagement date talk bro... its too much for simply asking her out."

"This will be the beginning for you guys! It is the most crucial part! It has to be perfect!" he rants.

"Oh please..." Adrien shakes his head.

"Ok ok... simple... I can think simple... lets figure this out." he ponders as he stares at the board once more.

"Ahah!" he exclaims. "She loves the movies right? When you spend lunch with her tomorrow, ask her to the movies then! There, after you woo her, you can ask her to start going out with you!"

"Simple enough..." Adrien says defeatedly. He would have left if he wasn't so terrible at this sort of thing himself. He wasn't used to chasing. At least not as Adrien. Maybe he would have to break out some Chat Noir moves to impress her? Suave. He liked the idea.

"You will need a nice cologne dude. Chicks dig it when guys smell great. You also got to make her feel wanted. Hold her hand, grab her waist when you are walking... Keep eye contact when she is talking, smile at her, laugh at her jokes, make her blush." Nino thought about how he woo'd Alya when they first started dating. He wanted his bud to have the same happiness.

Adrien chuckled at Nino's enthusiasm.

"I think I got the idea Nino." he reassured him as his chuckle turns into a full on belly laugh.

"You're gonna kill it dude. I know it. You're gonna woo the heck out of her. And she is gonna be one lucky girl."

Adrien blushes as he thought about her. He felt like if anyone was lucky, it was him.

"Thanks Nino! I couldn't do this without you." he says with a sincere look in his eyes.

"Of course dude! I remember when you tried to help me ask Marinette out. Remember when I liked her?" he chuckled. "But if it weren't for that plan, I would have never gotten the courage to get with Alya." Nino reminisced.

That was so long ago, not too long after Adrien had started going to public school and right after he had made his first three real friends that ended up becoming his best friends. He missed those days when he only knew Cat Noir and Ladybug and that's all there was to their little shtick. No Guardian, no box, no lost Miraculous. Just simple teamwork with no one but his lady.

They were growing up now though. No longer were they the pint sized heroes Paris first met. They were soon to graduate, start their lives outside of Highschool, and now Hawk Moth was twice as powerful as back then. At least now they had the other miraculous back, but it still wasn't going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination.

"I miss those days..." Adrien admitted.

"Me too bro, but look to the future! We're about to get you the girl of your dreams, graduate, and you'll have your freedom! Girls and freedom. Things will all be coming up Nino and Adrien soon." Nino reassured him as he wrapped one arm around Adrien and waved his hand above them as if to be showing him their futures right then and there.

"Yeah. Girls and freedom..." Adrien agreed with a dazed smile on his face. He would always have his girls to go back to. Ladybug and Marinette were the first two friends he made in Highschool. And he was excited to graduate and have way more time for them. Things WOULD be coming up Adrien, as soon as he defeated Hawk Moth and moved out of his dad's home.

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