Chapter Seven: Doomsday Pt. 2

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Adrien stood there, taking a moment to gather the right words. To give himself time to back out if he decided to. But he continues.

"I had an amazing time. If it weren't for you, I would have never had the time to do this. "

Marinette blushes as she looks down at her hands. Was this a dream? At least when he saw her as only a friend, she could use that as an excuse to shut him out. But now, here he was. Looking at her like he wanted to kiss her right then and there.

"I had a wonderful time too...I-" she says with a feigned smirk.

Adrien interrupts, too excited to wait any longer to ask her to start dating him. The night was about to end and he wanted to do it tonight.

"Marinette, I want to go on more dates.

I want to date you.

I want to use all of my free time on you.

You have made my life so much better in so many ways. From being my first real friend when I started school, to encouraging me to stand up to my father for the first time. You have always been so thoughtful and caring towards me and...

So, would you... I mean... do you want to.... ahem...."

He almost choked on the word. He had never really asked anyone out like this before, or been this nervous in front of a girl.

He tries again.

"Be my Girlfriend?" he finishes.

Marinette looked back up at him with a nervous yet doe eyed look. As if she had already broken his heart before saying a word.

All of a sudden, the world girlfriend lit a fire within her. Forget about denying him for his own good. She went from feeling anxious to... frustrated. She knew this was coming but she never expected to be... angry. It came out of nowhere. And she had some choice words.


'Oh no... she's going to say something other than yes isn't she?' he dreads.

"What took you so long?" she squawked.

Adrien blushes as he rubs the back of his head in confusion.

"I have been waiting for you to ask me that for almost three years! And you just decided to start seeing me as more than a friend, NOW?"

'Well... no." he answers.

Marinette's face switched from peeved to flabbergasted at his response.

He continues,

"I have always admired you. I was obviously too nervous to tell that you liked me too. And to be honest, I didn't know how I felt. So, I was okay with being friends as so long as I got to be with you. Until last year that is... But if you don't want to now, I understand." he admits, not backing down or conceding; but giving her a choice without back-tracking on himself.

Marinette expected him to look like a kicked puppy, but he looked like he was full of conviction. As if he was never more sure of anything than his feelings for her now. And she was never more sure how complicated feelings can be.

"Well... then you already know my answer."

She just, couldn't do it. Her love for him was too great to let him go. It was selfish of her, but her love for him was all that mattered in that moment.

"Of course Adrien. I would love to." her look of surprise turned to am embarrassed flush.

Adrien's expression perked up as his earnest eyes met hers, the sweetest most pleased smile washing across his face.

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