Chapter Eight: Decision Making

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Marinette woke that morning feeling anxious again. Like something either big or terrible was going to happen.

"Marinette are you alright?" Tikki asks, noticing Marinette was getting frustrated putting her flats on.

"Just fine Tikki." Marinette fibs as she begins to pull her raven hair up into her signature pigtails.

"You'll be fine Marinette. I promise." Tikki comforts her as she floats within her field of vision, giving her a soft and supportive look while doing so.

"Thank you!" Marinette says in a hush tone as she fixes her bangs, grabbing the kwami and nuzzling her in her palm.

"Now, you need a good breakfast. Go eat before school!" Tikki giggles as she floats off of her holder's palm.
"Aye aye Tikki" Marinette replies.

"Hey honey! I made you a fresh plate of toast and eggs." Sabine offers, setting the plate on the table for her beloved daughter.
"Thanks mom! I was hungry." Marinette thanks her as she sits to eat.
"So sweetie, I know your date went good on Friday night, do you plan on seeing him again? I mean he is really cute." Sabine jokes as she fixes herself a plate.

"Mom!" Marinette scolds. "I mean, yeah. He kind of... asked me to be his girlfriend." she admits with a fork full of egg in her mouth.

"Oh honey that's great news!" Sabine cheers. "We should have to have him over for dinner soon!"

"Its a bit too soon isn't it?" Marinette mumbles unenthusiastically, taking a bite of toast to muffle her words.

Marinette heads to school that morning to find Alya and Nino sitting on the front steps, finishing an assignment together before class in matching hoodies. And just as she was about to join them, the dreaded silver car pulls up behind her.

"Marinette, your beau has arrived." Alya teases as she lifts her pencil to point at the car.

Adrien steps out, a pair of sunglasses atop his head in case the sun got too hot that day.

"Hey Marinette!" he greets her, grabbing her hands and kissing her on the cheek.

Alya and Nino were wiling behind them, caught up in the excitement of their two best friends finally being together after a three-year slow burn.

"Hi!" she says in a playful tone as she gives him a French greeting.

Alya and Nino's eyes expand as they coo over how cute the new couple is.

"I take it things went well!" Nino greets Adrien, hoping for juicy details.

Adrien blushes and hides his face behind his binder.

"That's my man!" Nino cheers as he bumps fists, immediately making Adrien more relaxed.

"I'm happy for ya bud!" he proclaims.

"Thank you Nino!" Adrien replies as he rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

First period begins and the girls are sitting together again while the guys chatted it up in the front row once more.

"So, do you guys have plans today?" Alya noses while digging through her bag for an assignment.

"I might ask him to dinner at my parent's, I'm not sure." Marinette says in a nervous tone as she too scrambles to find the assignment that she knew she forgot to do.

Then, Marinette notices Adrien is writing on a sticky note discreetly.

Cooing rippled throughout the classroom as he hands it up to Max, who hands it to Kim, who hands it to Ivan, who hands it to Mylene, who hands it to Alya who giggles before handing to Marinette.

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