Chapter Nine: The Ring

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The next morning, Adrien and Marinette awoke to the birds chirping louder, their hearts beating faster, and a smile gracing their faces.

Marinette checks her phone for a good-morning text.

"Good Morning! I can't wait to see you today! Text me when you wake up."

She knew she was going to get one, since she knew Adrien typically woke up much earlier than her.

She didn't hesitate to text him back.

"Good morning! I can't wait to see you too!"

She turned over in her bed, giggling like the school girl she was for once.

Although last night was the biggest shock of her life, she finally felt somewhat... normal.

It all made sense now. Of course he was Cat Noir.
Having to not keep a secret from her partner or new beau made her feel... safe. Like as long as she had him, everything would be alright.

She still worried about the security of the whole thing, but those fears were in the background of her mind.

In the fore-front, was him.

Tikki looked at her in concern, as she recognizes the dazed look on Marinette's face.

It was the same one she had the day she came home with Adrien's umbrella.

She was falling for him all over again. And this time it was permanent.

Adrien woke up smiling bigger than he ever had before.

"At least someone had a good nights sleep!" Plagg points out, semi-annoyed to be woken up by his holder's alarm.

"Were you dreaming about camembert?"

"Marinette..." Adrien corrects him.

"She's your camembert, isn't she?" Plagg jokes.

"She's so special Plagg..."

"Oh barf! We get it, you're in love." Plagg gets annoyed with his holder's new enamor.

His love for the two didn't get cut in half. Just simply combined into one deep, unshakable love for one girl.

"I should call her!" he says as he is puts his pants on, his eyes lighting up at the thought of hearing her voice.

"She might not be awake yet Adrien!" he warns.

"You're right Plagg! I'll text her."

Adrien texts his lady as he walked to the bathroom, almost bumping into the wall.

Plagg shakes his head, floating behind Adrien to make sure he didn't actually bump into a wall.

"Focus on the more important things Adrien! Like food, and video games. Oh, and school. I guess." Plagg lectures him.

Adrien shoots him a dirty look while spitting out toothpaste.

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