if only they knew, 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐈 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐆

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The Hype House had thought it be a good idea to go on a last minute vacation since they hadn't been able due to quarantine, but you and Avani decided to stay back . A comfortable silence filled the large vacation home, as you and Avani snuggled against one of the many couches. A boring movie played in the background as Avani fell asleep.

But you couldn't. Thoughts about your relationship with Avani filled your brain. The rest of the house didn't know anything about your relationship, not even your parents did. You guys weren't ready to come out yet, to focused on how the house, your parents, or even fans would react to you guys both dating. But you didn't want to get too sad, considering you don't get a lot of moments alone with your girlfriend.  

So, you gently slipped off the couch. Allowing your muscles to stretch after being in the same position for an hour, you made your way to the kitchen to fetch something to drink. You opened the fridge deciding on having some Hawaiian punch. Pulling a cup from the cabinet you heard the movement of blankets, then soon soft patters of feet hitting the floor.

Around the corner, Avani came wrapping her arms around your waist before placing light kisses behind your ears and on the back of your neck.

You smiled softly, "Sleep well?"

"No," Avani grumbled softly against your neck.

"Aw, why not?"

"You weren't there when I woke up." Your smiled slightly widen knowing how much Avani hates waking up without you. Another wave of silence washes over you before you speak up.

"When are we gonna tell them about us, Avani"

"What do you mean?" This question quickly catches her attention, as she know appears wide awake.

"I mean I don't want to keep tiptoeing around people. I love you Avani, and I want more people to know that." Seeing guilt quickly flash over her eyes, she quickly turns defensive.

"Well I'm not ready to tell people yet! And I thought you of all people would understand that!"

"Avani I do understand. We've been together for two years already without anyone knowing and I'm tired of people always assuming that we're just "best friends". I thought you wanted to be more than that, but I guess not." You thought you could get Avani to understand where your coming from, but she's too stubborn. She doesn't understand the pain you feel when she denies you any attention in public, she doesn't dare look your way around other people, sometimes even flirts with other boys in front of you.

"I'm not having this conversation again Y/n. I just wanted to spend quality time together with you but you want to make everything about yourself, yet again." With that Avani left the kitchen back up to your shared room. Tears brimmed your eyes but you tried to not think to much of her words since this is how the majority of your arguments end.

You led yourself back to the couch alone. You watched two more movies before your eyes finally felt droopy.

𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫, imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now