Non-Canon FTE 1 (repost)

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Toothy stumbled around the place, looking for the bathroom.

Cuddles had been trying to show him a "cool" trick ending up spilling a few glasses of water on the floor.

Toothy had offered to help clean it up, hence why he was looking for the bathroom.

"Come on, come on, where is it?"

He knew it had to be close, he was just there a few minutes ago, how big could this place be?

As he looked around, he suddenly caught wind of someone running past a corner.

"Huh?" He thought to himself, confused if he just saw what he just saw.

His suspicions kicked in as he looked checked behind the corner to see the doorway leading to the bathroom.


He walked in and was about to head inside the boy's bathroom when he heard a noise.

It sounded like a...sniffle?

It was coming from the girl's bathroom.

He peeked through the doorway of the bathroom but saw something, but he could still hear the crying.

He paused, thinking whether or not he should walk in, it was the girl's bathroom...

He decided to step inside for a second with his eyes closed.

"Hello? Is anyone there? I swear I'm closing my eyes!"

Toothy heard nothing but another sniffle.

He headed closer to the sniffles, it sounded like it was coming from the end of the bathroom.

He got to the end of the hall and saw...Giggles?

The chipmunk was crying, holding a paper towel, rubbing her tears with it.

"I just can't do this anymore!" She sniffled.

Toothy didn't know what to do or say, he was never really good at comforting people.

So, he chose to say the most obvious thing.

"A-Are you okay?"

Giggles turned to face him with a shocked look on her face.

"Toothy!? Wh-What are you doing in here?"

"I-I just heard crying from here and I thought-"

Giggles sobbed again, interrupting Toothy.

"Oh, so we're doing this again..."

He awkwardly patted her head, feeling her soft fur.

"There...there? It's okay...? You'll be fine?"

She continued to sob for a few more minutes before stopping, burying her head into Toothy's warm chest.

"Okay then...this is awkward." He said, a small bit of blush covering his cheeks.

She pulled away from his chest, and looked up at him.

"Sorry you h-had to see me like this...and sorry about your..."

She pointed to his chest which had a good amount of snot on it.

"'s fine, but, what were you crying about?"

Giggles's face softens and she turns around.


"Sorry I just..."

"It's fine."

The two sat in an awkward silence until Toothy spoke up.

"Do you mind if I grab some paper towels?"

"Oh-...yeah go ahead."

Toothy took a roll and took a couple pieces with him.

"So umm...guess I'll see you around."

Toothy began to walk away until Giggles spoke up.

"Wait Toothy!"

He turned back to face her.



A small warm smile spread across Toothy's face as he replied.

"You're welcome Giggles."

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