Non-Canon FTE 2

37 0 0

Handy groaned as he left the cafeteria, too many people, too many chances to flip out and be seen as the grumpy asshole with no hands...again.

He hated this, hated this feeling, he knew deep inside that he shouldn't be this pessimistic but who in the hell could be happy in this situation?

He walked the halls before heading inside the pool/gym area.

It was quiet, nice place to be alone for a little while.

He went to the end of the pool and sat down, dipping his feet in the water.

He stared at his reflection, what was once a happy young beaver was reduced to whatever he was now.

It wasn't fair, he didn't mean to be this rude...well sometimes he did but most of the time he wasn't, he just felt...angry a lot.

Handy knew deep down that it wasn't fair to push all of his feelings on other people but he couldn't help it! It just slipped out sometimes.

As he kicked the water, he heard the door open behind him.

He turned around to see The Mole walking in and closing the door behind him.

"Handy? Handy? Are you here?"

Handy didn't reply and just watched him as he came over the edge of the pool and took a seat a few inches away from him.

He mustn't have noticed he was there as he started talking to himself.

"Ah Handy, why must you be like this?"

That pulled on Handy's heartstrings, why was he like this?

The two sat there, Mole being completely unaware of Handy being there.

Handy knew he couldn't just sit there forever so as Mole got up to leave, Handy spoke up.


The Mole was startled from the sudden noise.

"Huh- WHOA-"

The Mole was startled from the noise and fell into the pool.

The water splashed as he fell in.

He began to struggle under the water as he shouted, "Help! I can't swim."

Handy started to panic as he watched Mole struggle, his head going under the water.

He didn't know what to do, maybe he should go get someone? No, what if he didn't make it back in time.

Struggling with what to do, he jumped into the pool and tried his best to swim to Mole.

Once near him, he bit his shirt with his bucked teeth and moved to shove him to the wall.

He positioned him leaning on the wall before diving under the water and pushing him upwards.

He kept pushing until he got Mole back on land.

He tried reaching for the walls but his numbs couldn't reach.

He started panicking, trying to lift himself up but he couldn't.

Water started to fill his lungs as he fell deeper under the water.

Oh god, he was sure he was gonna die now.

Handy closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable until he felt something poking at his face.

He opened his eyes to see a cane, Mole's cane.

Thinking quickly, he bit on it as hard as he could before being pulled up back to the top.

He collapsed on the floor, wet and breathing heavily.

Taking a few more moments to calm down, he got up and looked at Mole, who was also wet and tired.

"Y-You...saved my life."

"As you did to me."

Handy couldn't believe it, he helped him...he almost died and he saved his life

"I-I don't even know what to sa-"

Mole pulled him into a hug as he said, "There's nothing you need to say, I'm just glad you're alright Handy."

Handy's body stiffen at first but he eventually hugged Mole back.

Tears threatened to fall as he felt...bad, awful, horrible even.

A few hours ago, he was a complete ass to Mole, now, he just saved his life.

"M-Mole, I-I...I." He tried to say but the words wouldn't come out.

"It's okay Handy." He calmly reassured him as he let go of him, "Now, I came here looking for you because everyone else wanted to see you."


"Yes, I promise you they aren't angry."


"Yes, no one is mad at you Handy, do you want to go? I will not force you."

Handy thought about it for a moment before saying, "Yeah."

Mole let out a small smile before heading towards the door.

Handy looked back at the pool before looking at Mole and smiling a little as he followed him back to everyone else.

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