Non-Canon FTE 3 (Unfinished)

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Flaky woke up in a bit of a panic to say the least, she couldn't do this, she couldn't stay here.

This place, what she was expected to do to escape? How could anyone deal with this? Especially a meek timid person like her.

Her palms got sweaty and she started shaking excessively, oh God, this was too much for her to handle.

Maybe she could just leave and hard could it be?

It just took one hit to the face and then she could-

No...she couldn't, she could never hurt someone else just to escape, she just needed to...get a glass of water.

Yeah! That normally calmed people down at night....right?

She took some deep breath, steadying her breathing before slowly and carefully walking out of her room.

She peeked behind the door, no one was there, the lights were out and the hall was almost pitch black.

Cautiously, she walked the halls, trying to find the lunchroom.

"C-Come on, where is it?" She muttered to herself, trying not to accidentally stumble into a wall.

Through the almost endless dark halls, she found the lunchroom, she opened the door and moved past the tables, not before bumping her leg on one.

"Ouch." She whispered, rubbing her leg.

She opened the door to the kitchen and found her way to the fridge.

She reached her hand inside, looking and feeling around for a cup or water bottle when she heard a noise.

A door close, the lunchroom door.

Panic and anxiety began to set in as she heard footsteps coming towards her.

She started berating herself for even coming here in the first place.

Oh God, she was gonna die here wasn't she?

No...instead of sitting here and waiting to die, Flaky decided to at least fight back.

She looked around the countertops and searched for something, anything that could help her.

Her hands found a frying pan, she reluctantly picked it up and hid behind the door, awaiting whoever was about to walk it.

The door opened and Flaky smacked the person as hard as she could in the back of their head.

They fell to the ground and Flaky was ready to smack them again until she heard a groan.


She dropped the frying pan immediately immediately as she tried to help the person get up.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I just thought-"

"C-Candy...?" They weakly moaned out.


"Do you...have candy?"



They dramatically pretended to pass out in Flaky's arm as she laid there, confused.

"Uhh...are...are you okay?"



"Get me some...sug-ar."

Flaky was got caught off-guard with the strange request but she did it regardless.

She checked the cupboards before finding a bag of sugar.

She grabbed it and brought it back to the person who was still on the ground.

" you go?" She said, holding out the bag to them.

They quickly grabbed it from her hand and opened it, shoving what had to be most of the bag down their mouth.

Flaky stood there in shock at what they were doing, who could stand that much sugar in their mouth?

Once they were done, they threw the bag away and stood up with ease.

"Thanks!" They said, their voice going hyper.

"Umm...why did you need that?"

"Because I love sweets! And you also hit in the back of the head so I think it's fair! Hehehe."

"Oh yeah...s-sorry."

"It's fine! I didn't feel a thing! Hehe!"

They stood there in an awkward silence, Flaky could barely make out who it was, all she could see was lime green fur.

No way this was Flippy, who could this be?

They stood in an awkward silence until Flaky spoke up again.

SOAD Silly Shitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن