Chapter ~ 1# ~ Ghost

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Ethan ~ POV

I wish I was home watching Youtube or relaxing like everyone else. Watching some funny cartoon videos to get my mind off stress. Unfortunately for me reality was calling out loudly to me. And it was in the form of a clenched fist aimed at my face. It rushed past me as I leaned back to avoid getting a tooth knocked out like the last guy. I could smell the scented perfume; she smelt like lavender from how close she passed by me. Right now, I'm fighting a friend or sparring since we weren't trying to kill each other. At least I wasn't, though from the look in her eyes, she was determined to win. We've been fighting for a few minutes now going all out. I threw a back fist which she blocked and countered with a hook to my side. Though she didn't stop the quick kick to her thigh. She didn't fall but I could tell she felt it.

She's been chopping at my legs the whole fight; every hit taking chunks of strength out of me. At least I got something on her; even if it was small. But I guess that only got her more fired up. She began charging at me swinging with powerful punches and kicks that were inches away. She'd send me or anyone flying with one hit. And I did go flying a little when I felt a hook punch my upper arm. I felt it in my ribs through my guard from how strong she is. From the way she kept her cool, I could tell the kick didn't do much. Just to clarify this is a legal school club where kids can come to learn basic MMA. Some people call it the school's fight club and we spar against each other, getting black eyes and bruises is normal. Most join this club because their parents or they want to learn self-defense. Some think they'll be the next rising star, or underdog. Me.... well grandpa said I needed an outlet for my anger.

Like Rebecca; the girl in front of me now seems like a demon. She may be shorter than me, but I'm honestly having a tough time with her. Rebecca's an old friend; she and I started hanging out together after I moved here a few years ago. She shuffled from side to side; that hunter's gaze in her eyes again as she cornered me. I stepped back to avoid it, barely missing my chin. Though I didn't realize it was a feint until it was too late. She threw one of her sledgehammer kicks into my side. Feeling her shin slammed into my side, I stumbled back. Even through thick shinguards, it felt like I got hit with a metal pipe. She's only been practicing for a few months, and she's already getting me to back up. Whoever pisses her off better be careful from now on. Like I should be; my thoughts were distracting me. I blocked one of her punches but didn't see the second one that clocked me across the head.

Rebecca wasn't always this badass fighting machine. She's got the nickname Renaissance at our school because of her renaissance-themed artwork. Every weekend, the school holds a student fair where some sell their artwork and other things. She joined the club after an incident with a well-known bully, Jessica. Jessica dumped black paint over one piece of Rebecca's art for a TikTok video. She thought she was making a big statement; she only ended up getting her ass kicked. The two ended up fighting, and now we're here. The video went viral as a cat fight video, the whole school fair got shut down that day because of it. Rebecca's fighting me now because Coach Tanaka has a rule; all participants must spar once a night. And considering the program is only for weekend nights, gotta give everyone their chance.

I kept my eyes on Rebecca, who was sweating bullets like me. Though the look in her eyes said, she would finish this as she stared through me. Even though this had only been going on for around fifteen minutes, we pushed ourselves pretty hard. I kept one arm low and the other up, guarding my chin. Rebecca held up her fists in a peekaboo pose. She loves classics; I guess Mike Tyson spoke to her. I raised my leg for a kick, hoping to push her away. But when she caught my foot, I knew I was in trouble; she quickly knocked out the leg I was standing on. I landed on the mat with a heavy thud. She moved into a knee bar when she saw her chance. It works the same as an arm bar. Forcing a limb to bend the opposite way using one's entire body. I already felt the strain on my knee as she straightened herself and flexed her hips. I quickly tapped out, not wanting my leg to bend the opposite way. Some of the other kids who formed a makeshift ring around us promptly ran over and tapped Rebecca on the shoulder to stop her.

Ethan Edwards & Noah Rogers ~ Family Affairs. By Carter P, MonacurWhere stories live. Discover now