Chapter ~ 2# ~ History

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Noah ~ POV

I couldn't help but groan as my alarm went off. The loud blaring woke me up from my dream of being back in the city. I was a little annoyed when we moved to this small town. I climbed out of bed and rubbed my eyes to try and clear them. Looking into the wall-mounted mirror, I saw my hair sticking out wildly. It would die down after a few minutes. I stretched my arms out as I walked over to my dresser. Looking through my clothes, I couldn't help but be a little frustrated. I'm used to the sun and the beach, not mountains and snow. After getting dressed, I walked downstairs; our new house is modestly sized with a bedroom at the top of a narrow staircase.

Downstairs, I saw the kitchen and living room empty as always. We moved out here because mom got a fantastic job offer from the town. They wanted her to be their new Treasurer and gave her an amazing offer. And considering dad's a remote programmer he can work as long as he's got a good internet connection. I'm honestly happy for mom; she got her dream job. But it sucks that I'm stuck in Silver Vein County. Swear this place is out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by mountains and forests. I made myself some scrambled eggs with toast and fruit for breakfast. Sitting at the dining table eating, I saw dad walk in. He walked to the coffee machine and made himself a cup in one of the largest cups we had. We didn't say much to each other as dad turned on the T.V.. He flipped through a few random channels till he found the local news.

"And that's it for the weather. If you're just joining us you might want to grab your sunscreen and maybe something to defend yourself with. Silver Vein High had a break in last night during a club event. A student at the MMA club caught a glimpse of the trespasser. The Sheriff's department ...." So the news reporter said before dad drew my attention.

"A break-in?" he said before pulling out his smartphone.

Dad made a call; I mostly ignored him as I finished my breakfast and went to wash the dishes. I just set the dishes down in the sink just when dad called out my name.

"Ya?" I called back so he knew I could hear him.

"Ya dad what is it?" I poked my head around the small wall that separated the kitchen and living room.

"You're going to be staying home today," I was shocked when I heard that.

I love my dad, even if he can be overbearing sometimes. And I want to go to school as much as the last kid; but besides school, there's nothing else to do here. So I tried thinking of a way to get out of staying here with dad. And luckily, mom came to my rescue.

"Oh great, Noah, you can come with me to check out my work," And my hero suddenly turned into my tormentor.

"That'll be great... get you out of the house and look at our new home," Dad said, cemented that I would be going with mom.

Another reason mom and dad moved us out here is not only for mom's job. But also because they didn't want me to stay inside all day like back in L.A. They thought introducing a city kid to dense forests where wild animals and bugs dominate would be good for me. Seeing they were dead set on this, I went to my room and grabbed what I'd need. My phone and earphones; I sat in the living room waiting as mom went about her morning routine. I saw dad get dressed and walk out to his office. Our house has a detached garage with a loft above. It's been converted into his office; that was one of the things mom used to bribe him into moving. Giving him his own office space and a whole new computer set up.

I didn't mind that as much, mainly because dad often gives me his old equipment when he upgrades. After the home office was set up, dad gave me his old mini pc systems, which I was stoked to get. Things got enough processing power for me to run a small business. Or work on some personal projects I've been neglecting. Once mom was done and dressed, we walked out to her car. I went to put in my headphones but stopped when I heard mom talking to me.

Ethan Edwards & Noah Rogers ~ Family Affairs. By Carter P, MonacurTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang