Chapter ~ 19 # ~ Fight Back

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Ethan ~ POV

I couldn't help but smile as I sat next to Mr. Davis. He smirked as he looked from his son to me. As we sat there waiting for the sheriffs to arrive, I couldn't help but feel something nagging at the back of my head. Then a thought came to me; I couldn't help but ask.

"What happened with Ben?" I asked as the late-night visit from Sheriff Olivia came to mind.

I would have thought I would have run into him with Mr. Davis and Nathaniel. But instead, Mr. Davis looked up at me with a questioning expression.

"I... I thought Ben was busy... He was going to loan us the SUV after Olivia dropped the search for it." He said, trying to remember the information in his emotional state.

I went quiet for a minute, trying to think. But then, suddenly, a horrible thought came to me. Just then, suddenly, a resounding knock came from the front door. I quickly grabbed Mr. Davis's arm as he stood up to go for the door. I glanced at Noah and Nathaniel, noticing they were surprised too. The surprised look on Nathaniel's face quickly turned to pure fear.

"Ezekial, baby..." The same voice that was cold and calculating before now sounded sweet and innocent.

I noticed a fear-filled look on Mr. Davis as we all heard the same voice. Then, there was a heavy, mighty thud from the door without a second loss. Followed soon by a rage-filled voice.

"Thomas, you son of a bitch give him back!" She yelled out with rage as she pounded against the door again.

I looked around the building and walked to the back. I noticed a small window that was big enough for people to climb out one by one. The room looked like it had become Mr. Davis and Nathaniel's shared bedroom. An idea suddenly came to mind as I noticed Nathaniel's robotics club jacket. I quickly grabbed it and slipped it on as I walked into the room. I kneeled down next to Noah and Nathaniel and whispered to them. I kept my eyes on Mr. Davis as I spoke with them. He nodded to me, letting me know he understood the plan. At least, I hope he understood it.

"Guys, there's a window in the back we can slip through," I whispered as I slipped the key to my electric bike to Nathaniel.

Mr. Davis nodded to us as Megan, the woman on the other side of the door, began pounding and kicking hard against it.

"Megan, leave us alone!" He yelled through the door, which only seemed to make her angrier.

I couldn't help but smirk at Mr. Davis as I guessed his end of the plan. Makes her angry enough that she ignores her surroundings. I grabbed a piece of clothing and wrapped it around my fist. I listened to the heavy thuds coming from the front of the house. Then, just as she began screaming, I punched out the window, the wooden frame popping one corner out. I froze as it made a bit of noise; I looked back to Mr.Davis, who nodded to us.

"This is just like when you forced Nath...." Mr. Davis yelled out before being interrupted by Megan.

"His name's Ezekiel!" I couldn't help but notice the uncomfortable look on Nathaniel's face.

I punched against the wooden frame again; the glass broke, and a second corner of the window frame popped out. I smirked as the frame slowly swung out. The nails inside the frame kept it from falling to the ground. I couldn't help but smile as I slowly stuck my head out the window. I saw it lead to the side of the house just outside Megan. I looked back at Noah and Nathaniel and gave them a smile. They smiled back at me; I held a hand as I slowly climbed out of the window. I realized Noah's face as he figured out my part of the plan. I could tell he wanted to yell at me along with Nathaniel. Still, as my last foot slipped past the window sill, I quickly began running off in the opposite direction of the bike. She mistook me for Nathaniel because she started calling out to me.

Ethan Edwards & Noah Rogers ~ Family Affairs. By Carter P, MonacurWhere stories live. Discover now