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Leedo stared intently at his twin brother and pleaded again in a whisper, "Geonhak-ah, please, I beg of you. I've got to fix something for Dongju's surprise birthday present. It'll be just for a few hours."

Geonhak sighed loudly, arms crossed on his thin chest, and looked away for a minute. He hated to be asked to cover for his brother. It was the fifth time in only a few weeks already. He sometimes wished they were not identical.

Truth was, they were not that undistinguishable — Geonhak was everything that Leedo was, yet in a smaller and softer way somehow. But Leedo's strict refusal to tell his friends that he had a twin definitely did not help.

"C'mon, it's just a photoshoot—"

"Just a photoshoot?" Geonhak snarled, slightly annoyed. "Yeah, sure, I do that everyday." He fiddled with his pale pink shirt and eventually looked up at his brother who was expecting his anwser. "Fine, I'll do it," he muttered darkly. "But I swear that if next time you're asking me to replace you in a concert—"

"Love you so much, thanks!" the other boy said quickly, not leaving any time for him to change his mind. He was smiling brightly, hurrying out of the apartment.

Geonhak sighed again as Leedo disappeared and he picked up a backpack, ready to go and embody his brother publicly once more. He did not mind helping. What he minded was helping Leedo lie to his friends.

But Leedo did not seem to care. He thought that making his boyfriend's birthday present was worth it all. Which, in a way, it was.

"You're late!" Youngjo pointed out as Geonhak was pushing the doors to the building where the photoshoot was taking place.

He mumbled some apology and headed for the changing rooms, getting a look at a schedule some assistant was providing him. He was not truly paying attention to his surroundings when something collided with him from behind.

"Finally, hyung!"

Geonhak stopped and turned around. His brother's boyfriend, Dongju, was smiling radiantly to him, hugging him tightly. Geonhak remained motionless. He was always very uncomfortable when Dongju touched him, thinking he was someone else.

"Hum, hi, Dongju-yah. How are you today?"

"You never ask how I am," the small boy commented flatly. He tilted his head, taking a good look at Geonhak. "You never wear pink," he added confusedly.

The taller boy pinched his lips, cursing himself for not thinking of this, and decided to smile. "I wanted some change. What's your schedule like?"

They entered the changing rooms, in which Seoho and Hwanwoong were already getting their make-up done. Seoho whistled, "Pink shirt? What have you done to Leedo-yah?"

A small voice emerged from the other end of the room, "It actually suits you well." Geonhak glimpsed at Hwanwoong who was looking down, and thought it was a nice thing to say.

Out of all the members of Leedo's music band, he found that Hwanwoong was the most gentle and kind. He never suspected anything Geonhak did as suspicious. He simply took him for who he was. And it felt nice to be noticed for a change.

The stylist next to Hwanwoong nodded and fumbled through the wardrobe, finally extracting a black and pale pink outfit. "Change of plans, you're wearing this for the photoshoot! Pink might be your colour."

Geonhak sought help in the other boys' gazes but they all seemed to agree with the stylist. He gave a discreet sigh and got changed. Leedo would definitely kill him for posing in pink as him.

They mainly had group pictures and soon, Geonhak felt much more at ease. Hwanwoong being his bubbly self, he made everyone smile with his jokes and pranks, supported by Keonhee in every step.

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