Chapter 1: Meeting the family

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"Where the hell is it?" The second oldest of the Gallagher siblings, Y/n. He was scavenging the house for a cassette tape.

Noticing Carl with it he quickly snatches it out of his hands and plops it into the cassette player.

"Touch it again and it'll be up your ass" Y/n threatens looking at the calendar on the fridge. "Fiona, electricity"

"Yeah I know. You got anything extra from work?" His sister asks as he takes out his wallet and throws in a 20.

"I don't get paid until Friday so thats the best I got" Yanking the last poptart from the counter he takes get his skateboard and rides outta the house and towards Family Video.

"Ah, the Gallagher finally arrives" Steve harrington, best friend of Y/n and Robin buckley.

"You try skating across the town asshole" Y/n gives the bird and disappears into the backrooms.

"Hey Y/n. Family still being annoying?" Robin asks putting on her vest for work. The two usually started work around the same time so they constantly saw eachother in the backroom.

"You know it. Carl almost set the tape Max gave me on fire" Y/n annoyingly says pausing the music and getting on the outfit as Robin leaves the room.

"How is this place still open? Nobody ever comes in here" Steve is talking to Robin about the store as Y/n appears out of the door and starts getting to work.

"Well Kev and Veronica normally come in here and buy some movies but that's about it really. Theres aslo that old lady" Robin rants while Y/n listens to slipknot that was firing away in his ears.

I guess you don't know much about him do you?

Y/n, second oldest and the most stable out of the family. Sure there was a few things wrong but he could be passed as a normal human being instead of a Gallagher. First, he loves listening to Slipknot, favorite band ever. Second, he's in a relationship with Max Mayfield. A girl that was different from everyone else.

Unlike his siblings Y/n is not a whore and goes around slutting people off all the time. He chooses to stay loyal with his girlfriend.

Since he couldn't afford anything better he got a simple cassette player that Max helped him buy. Even if she wasn't in the best financial state it was a lot better than being in 75'00 dollars into debt. Thanks to Y/ns father, Frank Gallagher.


It was late at night as Y/n was finally closing up the store he looked up at the barren night sky then looked back at his skateboard.

"Why did dad have to bring me into this world" Y/n skates away from the shop and back home where he was met with Fiona having sex on the floor.

"Really? On the kitchen floor?" Y/n walks past them and up the stairs towards his room. Setting all his stuff on a table he changes into some loose clothes and hops into his twin sized bed. He was lucky to have a room all by himself without having to share with anyone.

The next day

"The hell is this?" The two siblings looked at truck that brought out a washing machine.

"Do you want me to bring it up front or is it easier in the back?" The man said getting it out onto one of those roller things.

"Your new boyfriend payed for this? You two should get married then we don't have to be so far in debt" Y/n jokes only earning a slap on the face by Veronica.

"Oh shut up. I just met him like two nights ago" Fiona explains as Y/n just shrugs and notices the doorbell is being rung.

"Max? I didn't think you'd come by today" Y/n says letting the girl inside and closing the door.

Shameless: Phoney shenanigans Where stories live. Discover now