ch 5: Senses

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"Stop it"

Y/ns eyes fluttered open, focusing on the phone which had stopped ringing.

"Stop what?"

Whipping his head to the side another persona of the grabber sat on the floor with his back against the wall.

"I'm hungry. I need food"

Not answering his previous question Y/n sat up fully.

"How are your eyes?"

The grabber asked.

"They hurt"

Y/n responded.

"Well, I can't bring you anything to eat. You'll have to wait"

The grabber got up and started walking to the door.

"If you aren't gonna bring me anything to eat then whyd you come down here?"

Y/n asked.

"Just to look at you"

The door slammed shut, making Y/n alone once again.

"See, this was all Mandy's fault. She knew I was in a relationship but still decides to try and get on my dick" Y/n complains while restocking the shelfs of family video.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find another fish in the sea. Hell, you could've already caught the fish, you just need to reel it in" Steve says, clicking a few things on the computer.

"Hey Y/n, aren't kev and V getting married?" Robin asked, looking up from her book.

"Yes and no. Kev is already married but ran away from her so on a technicalitie they can't get legally married" Y/n explains, tossing the extra movies into a basket and walking into the back.

"Did you hear about that new restaurant their opening up the next town over? Apparently it's called Fazebears diner and ran by two childhood friends, William and Henry" Steve shows the computer to Robin who looked at the two figures closely.

"They have two animatronics called Spring Bonnie and freddy fazebear. They must be rich if they could get those things" Reading off the article he looks at the two different family's, Henry had a daughter and William had 2 sons and 1 daughter, along with his wife, Clara.

"What's that?" Y/n looked at the computer widening his eyes at a certain character. Clara afton, she looked just like that lady he saw the other day.

"Something wrong Y/n? You look kinda spooked" Robin waved a hand infront of his face to get his attention.

"Yeah, just that this Clara person looks like someone I met a few days ago. Anyways, I'm off so see you guys later" Hopping over the counter and out the store he walks back home wondering why that girl was staring at him.


The orange tips in his hair, it couldn't be. But he and Fiona were twins, so that couldn't be possible, right?

Turning the opposite direction Y/n dashed off towards the alibi where he could possibly get some answers from his good for nothing father.

"What the hell Frank?" Opening the door to the bar Y/n walked over to his father who was ofcourse, drinking.

"Woah, what's going on?" Kev asked behind the counter while cleaning a cup.

"A greeting would've been nice yknow" Frank puts his drink down and looks at Y/n who looked like he was about to explode in anger.

"You had an affair while with Monica, didn't you? One can't get orange hair out of two blonds" Y/n reveals the orange tips he's been hiding forever behind his shoulder height hair.

"Me and Monica had many affairs while we were together. You'll have to be more specific" Frank took another sip of his drink as the bar had went silent, listening in on the conversation.

"Clara afton, the wife of William afton next town over. You did it with her, and there's so many clues leading back to that" Y/n takes the drink from Franks hands and slides it down the table, away from him.

"She was a sweet one, always worried about her husband finding out that she had an affair. But yes, it's a chance that you are her son" Frank explained as Y/n sighed turning around for a second and holding his hands over his face before slapping Frank as hard as he could.

"I thought me and Fiona were twins, we've always been there for eachother but then I find out that we're not even twins? Your an asshole, Frank" The bar cheers at the sight of Frank getting hit by one of his own kids. Leaving the bar Y/n didn't know what to do now. Should he see his biological mom? Should he tell the family? He didn't know.

"Has anyone seen Y/n? His shift ended hours ago" Fiona asks, setting the table for dinner.

"If anyone knew where he was it would be you" Lip responds, putting Liam in his baby chair.

"I haven't heard from him all day. I hope everything's all right" Taking a glance at her phone she reads through the previous messages to hopefully find where he's at.

"Yeah, I need more when J rock around Give in. To me. You need to hear my song. Give it. To me. Eureka, I have you now. And I move, yeah, I rule and I feel the melody you better move" Cutting the music off Y/n sat atop his favorite spot. Looking down at the city he looked behind him to see the familiar cliff that dropped down into water. If one were to jump from this cliff that water would feel like concrete.

"I have the verse down I just need the chorus and bridge" Y/n looked down at a piece of paper in his hands with the words 'Calamari Inkantation' on the top along with some of the lyrics. This would be his hit song but he couldn't sing it alone. But it couldn't be anyone, it had to be someone special. Someone like Fiona.

She doesn't know that they aren't twins. And she doesn't have to know. Maybe if he didn't tell her then she would never know that they aren't twins.

He also needed someone who could set him up with a concert. Maybe Clara or Henry could help with that. Sighing he folded the paper back up and shoved it into his pocket. Hiding the equipment away so no one could steal it he headed back home where his family was sure to be waiting.

"Do you have any idea how late it is? I've been worried sick about you" Fionas voice was the first thing he heard since walking into the house.

"Sorry, my phone died" Y/n set his jacket on the coat hanger and walked into the main room where a very drowsy Fiona sat.

"You couldn't use any of the public phones?" She asked, staring Y/n down as he maneuvered his way around the house.

"Didn't have any quarters on me. Did Lip and Carl find a priest for the wedding?" Y/n asked but that didn't end Fionas annoyance.

"Yes, but please just try and be back earlier. There's some leftover lasagna in the fridge if you want" Yawning Fiona made her way up the stairs and disappeared into her bedroom.

The dim light in the kitchen was the only thing allowing Y/n to see. Quickly heating up a piece of the lasagna he set it on a paper plate at the counter and started eating while modifying his song that would break records.

Shameless: Phoney shenanigans Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora