Ch 9: No drinks = house destruction

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"Alright no worries. All you have to do is run" Y/n was taking quick short breaths while standing on a track field. Track had started back up and he wanted to try something new. Fiona did it so it couldn't be much harder... right?

Most of the Gallaghers were present in the stands including Robin and Steve who cheered separately from the Gallaghers. Kev and V were also there but sitting closer to the large group.

"On your marks" The announcer called out.

Y/n bent down and put his hands on the track. The other 6 people did the same aswell.

"Get set" The announcers hand was on the trigger to a fake gun hooked up to a single firecracker.

"Go!" The 7 contestants dashed as fast as they could towards the finish line. Y/n was in third place before he caught a glimpse at all those cheering for him.

"Come on, go faster!" Y/n yelled internally. Pushing into second place he was neck to neck with the first place.

They were now half way around the track and started getting closer to the end. His feet hit the floor faster and faster each time before he took a step. And before he knew it, Y/n was in first place. The crowd was cheering loudly as he came up to the finish line.

"Y/n Gallagher comes in first place!" The announcer called out. Fiona was screaming at the top of her lungs and was cursing at other family's.

Y/n ran off the track and into the bathroom where he began to puke everything he had from the past week into the toilet.

"I need to start practicing more" Y/n flushed the toilet and cleaned his face off in the sink.

"You did it!!!" Y/n was tackled by an extremely enthusiastic Robin.

"The way you passed all of them was insane! And the looks on their faces were priceless!" Robin started to rant about how great it was while Steve just pat him on the back.


"Dont tell Clara about this. She's getting pretty upset about the animatronics and pizzeria" William had led Y/n into the basement where the was a giant stack of items scattered all over the place.

Putting his hand on the wall it glowed green for a quick second then the wall split into two parts, allowing enough room to walk in.

"Has this been here the whole time?" Y/n asked. Elizabeth followed closely behind him, scared of the dark and cold basement.

"I wanted to work on something with my own original idea. No help from Henry at all" The room they were in was actually an elevator which went miles under the house.

"She's pretty" Elizabeth pointed at a picture of a red and white robot named 'baby'

"We made her for you Elizabeth. Just make sure not to get close. We don't want a repeat of last time" Y/ns tone and mood took a swift change into the more salome territory.

When the elevator doors finally opened the three were met with a layout which was sort of confusing. There was other animatronics that weren't fully finished yet.

"This place is so prettyful!" Elizabeth took off running around the place, carefree of any worries.

"How'd you get the money for this place?" Y/n looked around, it was 10x bigger than the diner and two more animatronics than the last one.

"The diner was more successful than you think. There wasn't many people to pay anyways" William shrugged and turned on a couple lights. The animatronics consisted of Baby, Ballora, Funtime foxy, and funtime freddy.

And keeping a watchful eye on Elizabeth the two worked all night with the help of coffee.


"Everyone gather around. I know I haven't been the most exemplary father for the past three or 15 years but now I'm gonna need your help to get through this. From this point forward we're going to be a family again" Frank had a great speech and all but Fiona and Y/n locked eyes before bursting out into laughter.

"You're going to quit drinking and be a good father?" Robin asked, not believing him for a second.

"Is that so hard to believe?" Frank asked.

"Yes" Everyone said in union.

But they had a new mission, keep Frank busy for the next two weeks so he could get 3k.

After a game of racing around the house Frank had suggested the piano which had caught Y/ns intrest. After Frank played his song Y/n ran upstairs and grabbed his guitar and hooked it up to multiple speakers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, Master off puppets by Metallica" Y/n smirked as he struck his hand onto the electric guitar.

🎼End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction
Take me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How im killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master, master🎼

The song continued with Y/n following along with it perfectly. He also sang along with it with a few others joining in.

By the time he finished everyone was cheering and screaming. At the end of the night somehow Y/n and Robin both ended up drunk and in bed.

The next day

"Fucking hell" Y/n was slumped over a bucket with the contents inside being filled with last night's items.

"Hangovers are such bullshit" Robin groaned, also slumped over a bucket with many of the same items.

"We've got work on a few hours. Think we'll be able to go?" Y/ns voice was muffled by his head being inside the bucket.

"If we want to keep the job then we should" Robin answered. Y/n made sure he got everything out and went into the living room only to see a giant hole in the wall.

"Has this always been here?" Y/n thought as he walked right past it and to the kitchen, grabbing 2 cups of water.

"I think I remember that being here" Y/n look one last look and went back upstairs.

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