Ch 11: Amends are not accepted

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"This is a lot to take in" Robin sat on the edge of her bed with her arms crossed. Y/n sat next to her silently looking at the floor.

"It's fine if you don't want to be with me anymore. I'll understand" Y/ns voice quivered as he started fiddling with his hands.

"Why would I leave you? Y/n I love you" Robin put a hand on Y/ns shoulder and forced him to look at her.

"But I helped build a robot which killed my sister. Robin, I'm a murderer. What makes me any better than the grabber?" Y/n had a small amount of tears in his eyes.

"Y/n, clearly you didn't know what you were doing and who would've guessed your sister walked right into it when you specifically told her not to? And you are a lot better person than the grabber" Robin squished Y/ns face to make sure she was getting through his thick skull.

"Thank you, Robin" Y/n pecked her lips and started to laugh. Robin joined in and started to laugh with him.


"Congratulations Ian, you are not Frank Gallaghers son" Lip announced, reading off a DNA test.

The table was quiet. The entire family sat there including, Roberta, Steve (Jimmy), and Robin.

"Yay" Y/n golf clapped which earned a slight glare from Frank. Y/n just pulled down his eyelid and stuck out his tongue.

"Real mature" Fiona added, taking a bite of that shut Garfield eats.

Most the table was silent besides the constant yelling between Frank, Monica, and Roberta.

Y/n had mouthed a 'sorry' to Robin who just shrugged and kept eating the burnt lasagna.

It ended with the family getting up and leaving but Y/n and Robin stayed

"This is very good Ms. G" Robin complimented.

"Thank you, uhh.. sorry I don't know your name" Monica said.

"This is my girlfriend, Robin buckley" Y/n introduced. The rest of dinner was silent until Frank left and shory after Monica and Bob left, leaving Liam behind.


"Shit" Y/n slumped over his bed and ended up sliding down and hitting his face on the floor. Looking at the current time of 4 am on his phone. Sighing he took some headphones outta his pocket and started blasting
Korn into his ears.

Dark circles were clearly visible as he hadn't gotten any rest in the past couple days.

The guilt has been building up and there was nothing he could do to fix it. Not like he could afford a therapist or anything like that. Nobody even knows that Elizabeth had been eaten by an animatronic so what would he say?

He stayed still for a couple more minutes before deciding to camp out at his favorite spot.

The cold and snow were a cherry on top. He would miss the chilly winds and the hot coco when spring came around.

Taking out a guitar he grabbed a pic from his pocket and started to play a song Clara had sung to him not so long ago.

Remember me though I have to say goodbye
Remember me, don't let it make you cry
For even if I'm far away I'll hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me though I have to travel far
Remember me everytime you hear a sad guitar
Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
Until your in my arms again
Remember me

Y/n held a soft smile and looked at the rising sun. The light covered everything in its path until it reached the top.

"I need to talk with Clara. She deserves to know the truth" Y/n hid his guitar and left for the next town/city over.

Using a spare key to get inside he found that the house was completely dark and only small amounts of light came through the windows.

"Clara?" Y/n called out. No one responded so he kept searching. The house was dead silent everytime he called out. After exploring all the rooms he decided to head down into the basement and enter the pass code to the pizzeria. Everything down there seemed normal, Ballora was there, Foxy was there, Freddy, was there.

The last room he had to check on was Baby's. Red lights emitted from the room right as Y/n arrived in the hallway. Slowly walking forward Y/n took a peak around the corner and saw what he hoped was a dream.

Clara's lifeless body hanged from a rope which had been tied up in the unfinished ceiling. The body which had been turned away from him slowly turned all the way towards him.

Clara's expression was filled with shock as her eyes had blood coming from them.

Y/n was frozen in a state of shock. He tried to run, scream, cry, do anything besides stand there like an idiot. Baby's head started moving and looked directly at Y/n.

"You'll be next. You'll pay for what you've done to me" Baby's eyes were blue but he could've sworn they flashed green for a second.

Finally gathering enough strength Y/n bolted back to the elevator and quickly shut the door behind him.

This family, the aftons, had a curse on them. And it might start affecting Y/n aswell.

Shameless: Phoney shenanigans Where stories live. Discover now