Ch 8: Frank strikes again

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Due to many complications The black phone parts will be discontinued but I'm sure yall know how the rest of it goes.

"I thought I'd find you up here" Y/n was in his usual spot, sulking like he did everytime he came up here. The voice came with a slight rasp who Y/n recognized almost immediately.

"Did Fiona tell you I was up here?" Y/n asked in a tired voice. It was low and seemed to be breaking apart at every word.

"No, but she is worried about you. Everyone is" Robin sat next to Y/n on the tree and put a hand on his shoulder.

"That's nice of them" Y/n blankly said. The emotion behind his voice was dull as it could get.

"I can't. I let my brother die Robin. I was too slow to save him" Y/n twirled his bright orange hair in his fingers.

"Blaming yourself won't help Y/n. Maybe it was just fate that had this all planned out. There was nothing you could do to stop it. But if you feel that bad then start trying to cheer up" Robins face turned into a small smile as Y/n looked at her. He had bags under his eyes and his face was red, both from crying and Robin seeing him like this.

"Maybe you're right" The small speaker next to him turned on and started to play a very old song.

"Care for a dance?" Y/n half joked as he put out his hand, offering for Robin to take it.

"It would be my pleasure" Robin giggled. In the middle of the night the two slow danced, Y/n had his eyes closed the entire time, almost like he's been practicing this for a long time.

🎼Kiss me once
Then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
Its been a long long time
Haven't felt like this my dear
Since can't remember when
Its been a long long time🎼

Snow started to cover their heads as the song went on. Robin couldn't help but notice a small warmth in her heart starting to form. But she wasn't the only one.

🎼You'll never know how many dreams
I dream about you
Or just how they all seem so empty without you
So kiss me once
Then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
Its been a long long time🎼

Robin subconsciously moved her body closer to Y/n as no part went untouched. Their warm breath pressed tightly onto their necks.

And before they knew it, their lips were pressed together, sharing they very little warmth they have.

When they parted Y/n finally opened his eyes. And Robin could see nothing but lust behind them.

(Im sure you know where this is going)


"What's all this?" Y/n entered the house and looked at the mass amounts of newspaper and raw meat all over the kitchen.

"Lip and Ian stole from this guys truck which had all this inside. We'll be eating good for weeks!" Kev shouted excitedly.

"You finally came down from your nest. Its a miracle you people" V laughed as she playfully punched Y/ns arm.

"What did he look like? Was there blood everywhere?" Carl asked, looking up from a mile of meat infront of him.

"Don't be such a dick. His half brother just died afterall" Debbie smacked Carl in the face which turned into another slap thrown back at her.

"Have you talked with Clara at all? I'm sure she needs you more than ever right now" Lip asked. Y/n shook his head and turned to look back where Fiona was dumping piles of mail on the living room floor.

"You've got to be sitting me" Fiona opened many of the letters up and stared at them in shock.

"Franks been using our names to buy shit. 12k at a strip club!?" Fiona was pissed to say the least as Y/n walked over and started helping her with the letters.

"When did you come back down?" She asked, finally noticing Y/n standing there.

"Just now. I was about to leave again to see how Clara's doing but I'll help with this first" Collecting all the important letters and stuffing them into a bag Y/n and  found Frank at the bar in his usual spot drinking beer.


Y/n had hit Frank across the face with the bag of papers, causing him to fall face first on the floor.

"What the fuck Y/n!?" Frank yelled, somehow his beer hadn't spilt at all.

"Do you even know how much debt your kids are in now?" Fionas anger bubbled up at her father who was still recovering on the ground.

"Of course I do, 75,000" After muttering those words Y/n slammed the bag in his face again and let the bills and letters spill over him.

"Never uss their names again" Fiona threatened and left the bar.

"You're a liberal" Frank yelled out as Y/n followed right behind.

*knock knock knock*

William was the first person to open the door. His hard glare softened when he realized it was Y/n.

"How are they?" Y/n asked, William looked behind him at Clara who was asleep on the couch while cuddling Elizabeth.

"Not well. She's been crying nonstop so that should be your answer" Williams lip curled in a half asses smile.

"Since you're here, you wanna finish that animatronic? Just something to take your mind off it for awhile" William stepped aside to let Y/n in.

"Sure, not like I have anything better to do" Y/n stepped in and the two made their way to the basement where a giant red and white animatronic sat dormant.

William had named it Baby.

Shameless: Phoney shenanigans Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum