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Brandon POV

"I'm afraid other people's criticism will hurt Brandon so much that he'll want to end his life again. You don't understand how much I care and how in love I am with him."

I know, eavesdropping isn't right, but I couldn't help but be curious at what Brent and Hayden were to talk about. The words that flowed out of Hayden's mouth were beautiful. Scary too.

The more I thought about it, the tighter my chest became. What will others think about us? You know how people say, fuck what others think, just do youWell, it's a lot easier said that done. Words hurt. They really do.

I'm especially worried about what the rest of the boys will think. Will they be as accepting as Brent? Ugh, what the fuck. Maybe this was a bad idea.

I something cold and wet on my left foot. What the-  Oh, it's just Bandit. I forgot to give him dinner last night. Aw, he must be starving.

Just as I was about to move my way to the kitchen, I heard Hayden ask, "What are you doing here?"

What the fuck is going on.

Hayden POV

As I saw her come out of the corner, the tiny hairs on my back stood up.

"What are you doing here?"

She stood quiet. Her eyes became watery and soon enough, the tears began to stream down her cheeks.

"Uh- I can explain," said Brent.

"Then explain yourself!" I couldn't help but yell. Caity was here, and Brent had something to do with it.

"When I saw your car outside, I knew you were here with Brandon. I sent Caity a text to come over. That's why I led you to this hallway, so she could hear the words come from your mouth. I tried to tell her that you had feelings for Brandon, but she didn't believe me."

"I can't believe you would do that without telling me first!" I was enraged. Why would he do this?!

"Because if I told you she was coming, you wouldn't have said what you just said a few minutes ago. You probably wouldve just kicked me out."

That's very true. But still, I feel bad. And I wasn't ready to fully come out to anyone else.

"I- I need it to hear it come from you. I couldn't believe you would do this to me. That night- the incident happened, I- I thought that's what it was. Just an incident since you were drunk. Bu- but now I see its all for real. You've deceived me." Her words were barely audible. And I could hear the immense pain I caused her.

The door behind me swung open. As I turned around, my eyes met Brandon's red and swollen ones. He'd been crying.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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