"She's A Liar."

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Brandon POV

I called Hayden. As I dialed the number, I was kinda hoping he wouldn't pick up..


"Hayden, uh. I-"

"Caity called you, didn't she?"

"Yes, she did, and she was mad. She uh- said you mentioned someone's name you weren't supposed to.."

"What do you mean?"

"This is awkward, but she said you might have sorda moaned my name while you two had sexual intercorse."

"Oh my, she said that? Ha, the things she makes up."

"I'm confused."

"She's a liar. She was just upset because I ditched my plans with her to hang with you. Why would you believe I moaned your name? That's weird, dude."

"Oh, I don't know. Ha, well goodnight. I hope everything works out with you and Caity."

"Alright, bye."

"I love you..." I said, right after he hung up.

Part of me to wanted him to have heard that, but that would be "weird," according to him. Well, now I know for sure he doesn't feel anything for me. I think I might go through with my other plan. I want to stop walking this earth.

Hayden POV

Brandon called, and I'm a dumbass. He told me Caity called him and told him what happened. I called her a liar. I didn't know what to do. I'm not ready for him to know. I'm not ready for anybody to know. I'm not even sure I wanted to know myself, about my true feelings for him.

When I hung up, I couldn't help but brake down. I hate this. I hate having to hide my emotions. I hate having to bottle everything up. I hate it so fucking much. I really wished I could be held in his arms. I really wish I could hear him telling me he loves me. But that will never happen, because he doesn't love me. How could he possibly? I honestly don't even think there's a purpose to life right now.

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