The Biggest Risk

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- Narrator -

  Yeah so-

- Gabriel -

  "EVERYONE UP, NOW." I shouted. It's ten in the morning, Jonah and Adam are finally up. I grabbed Six and held him under my arm like he was a box and ran to the others. Suddenly, my face crashed into Preacher's. I held the wall for support, "Fucking hell," my handed landed on my nose and gently rubbed it. Preacher shrieked, "Boss! Oh dear I'm so so sorry I didn't mean-" "That's quite alright, I just need you and the others to..." I stopped as soon as my attention caught to the rest of the Alternates lined up and listening to me. "Perfect, let's go."

We appeared on Earth and right behind the house. I set down Six as he pushed me with a smile. I ignored and quickly hijacked the radio in the van, listening on to their conversation.
"Let me set up the camera really quick," Jonah said. "Alright, alright."
"So you uh... you see anything in there?"
"No, I mean, it was nothing besides that weird kinda locked door. Not a meow, not a noise, nothing."
A silence fell for a moment. Adam continued,
"You see anything weird on the cameras at all?"
"Yeah I'm not- I'm scrolling through this and I don't think I see anything either."
"I mean I don't know, maybe that things' just locked downstairs."
"...Yeah the more- I'm not gunna lie to you man- The more I look at the house, the more... the more I really don't wanna be in it."
He's finally starting to notice the unsettling feel. Of course it would be Jonah, I don't understand why I didn't think of that before.
"'m mean, I don't see anything. I think we're just kinda babysitting an empty house for three nights."
"I mean, I think the best thing that could happen is if we leave now and then we say we were here the entire time. Cause, I'm- I'm looking at this house and I'm looking at this footage, and even though there's nothing too threatening about it, I don't.. I don't like it. I really don't like it."
"It's literally just an empty house bro... can you suck it up for three nights?"
"Ugh, suck what?"

I screamed. I screamed into their radio. Two reasons why, one being I can't stand them just talking and not getting up to do something. Two is that they need to hear something different happen. They need to hear what we're here to do. These two boys can't just sit on their asses and expect the paranormal activity to come to them, but if I must make the move for them to stand, I will.

  "Where did that come from?" I heard Adam exclaim. From that point on, the two spoke back and forth with going and not going inside. But no, please, step in. Do your job. You want money, right? You want to seem tough, don't you? These are the things humans fall for. They're greedy and selfish, they're ravenous for things that will fill them with what at first seems like pleasure... only to turn into filth. Too much money makes you the eye-catcher, the fraud, or the type to destroy a relationship. And to see yourself as the "tough" and "bigger guy" results in the same dangerous paths.

  Finally, Adam hopped out of the van and stepped into the house. I released myself from the radio with a grin. "Foolishness lies between these two." I whispered. My head turned to my companion, "Six, go in there and stand behind Adam, but leave once Jonah sees. You'll hear him say something, I'm sure." He nodded and ran to the window from yesterday, slipping himself from camera to camera and then to the hall Adam stood in.
My hand signaled for the others to huddle with me. They crowded around as I assigned them with orders, "Later tonight, we will all meet in the basement in a T.V. that's down there. But before we do, Preacher will visit Adam in whichever room he chooses to sleep in, luring him to the door he previously couldn't open. Everyone got that?" They all nodded.

- Six -

I watched the curious teenager slowly turn his head left and right while trying to speak to the cat's soul. Now's my chance. I appeared in regular form behind him, listening closely for Jonah to say something. And he didn't say it, he yelled it. "OH MY GOD, BEHIND YOU!" "Shut up!" Quickly, I retreated back to the camera.
Now wouldn't it be funny if I messed around with his radio?
I grasped control of the device, waiting for Adam to speak. "You see anything on the cameras?" I took this as my opportunity to shut off Jonah's speaker and repeat his exclamation. "OH MY GOD, BEHIND YOU!" "Dude, cut it out."

  I repeated his words more and more and more until "DUDE, FUCKING QUIT!" I switched Jonah's speaker back on and left the scene. I made my way back outside with the others, noticing Gabriel was missing. "Where is-" "Shhh," Type 3 put her finger over what I'm guessing is her mouth, though no facial features are there. The Alternates peered over the wall, looking at the van. I joined in on the investigation.
"Uh... what are you seeing, exactly?"

  My stomach dropped. Gabriel was sitting in the back of the van.

"I've been watching you."

  I couldn't tell if he was speaking through their radio or actually speaking in there. That's the biggest risk he's ever taken. And he's a fearless man, I will say. However, I didn't know he was the ballsiest one here. If Jonah turns around, this entire day is done for. This plan, our sake of staying hidden, us!

  We watched the teen's mouth move as he leaned forward and furrowed his eyebrows. He was talking into the radio, saying something to Adam, I'm sure. My eyes caught to Gabriel saying one last thing, and then fading away. The more he faded out, the more present his figure was next to us. "Hello, dear ones." He whispered from behind. We flinched and turned, "How the hell did you do that?" My voice pushed out but still remained quiet. "I can do anything. Now, wait for the evening to come. I must go inside and speak to Adam when the time comes. From that point on, he will be lured to the basement by Preacher, understood?" We nodded and let out a few "mhh"s.

  I took this as an opportunity to talk to Gabe. He announced us to do what we want but just as long as we remained around the area. Just as his body turned, he stopped at the sudden realization of me basically being his shadow. "Six, good work in there. You're getting really good at multitasking and immediately responding to their actions." I took his arm and locked it with mine, speaking with confidence while marching to the woods that laid behind the house. "Well, y'know, I'm awesome when it comes to these things." He smiled softly and began thinking hard. I could see it in his face, it bothered me. 

"What's wrong?" 

  We asked at the same time. Our bodies froze as our eyes met, and in that moment, we laughed. "You first," I insisted. "Well, I've actually just been a little worried about you. I don't know why I've been so clingy or emotional lately, do forgive me." I shook my head, "No no don't be upset about caring for someone. I care about you and the others all the time." A pause of silence fell over us, and I giggled. "Okay, perhaps that was a little too mushy." "Perhaps... but what about you?" 

  How do I explain to him that I miss Heaven? I miss the praise, the glory, the gold streets, the pearly gates, I miss it all. There were good  things, but I wasn't loved. Not even by God himself. They say God loves everyone, but I begged to differ. He saw me as just some regular angel. And I got tired of everything being so "goody two shoes", that when I cause a little trouble here and there, I'm thrown into a whole different place in a snap. That isn't love, that's getting mad that something isn't going your way. He's immature, and he's nothing like how the humans make him out to be, especially those preachers. What jokes. But still, it doesn't defeat the fact that a little bit of me wants to go back. Just surrounded by beauty and a pleasing atmosphere. Peace, tranquility, and calmness, it was all around me. And I want to say I enjoyed it, but that's an understatement. I adored it. 



"I'm scared."

Gabriel and Six chattingWhere stories live. Discover now