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“Momma?” As soon as Rui called for me, I placed the book down on my lap. We sat on her bed. The ticks from the sunflower clock mounted against her wall sounded loud in our silence. 

The way her brows furrowed made it seem like something was bothering her. I asked her what was wrong. “You said you’d tell me how you met daddy.”

Yes, I remember promising her that. She asked the other day while we walked to school. There was no way I could shorten such a long story. Definitely not in just a few minutes. Rui batted her eyes and begged. Her little hands gripped onto my sleeve. “Please, momma. Please.”

I placed a finger over my lips, signaling her to quiet down. To no avail, she began to chant, her voice growing louder. The bed bounced along with her. “Story, story, story.”

My eyes darted to the clock. Rui’s bedtime had long passed. Even for a weekend, this was a little too late for her. I tried to explain how we didn’t have time. Her face dropped, and she looked utterly dejected. My bottom lip slipped from between my teeth. I couldn’t take it, and I gave in.

My fingers brushed a lock of hair from her face. Her eyes brightened up. She threw her arms around me as best she could. “Yay! Thank you, momma.”

I held up my hands. Before I could say anything, a firm yet loving grip landed on my shoulders. From the playful tone alone, I could tell who it was. “If you were going to tell Rui not to wake me up—well, I have some bad news.”

I felt a smile grow on my face as I turned to him. Something about him made smiling contagious. I couldn’t help myself.

Hizashi lowered himself so he was at eye level with Rui. He placed a hand on top of her head and ruffled her hair. “What are we thanking momma for?”

“She’s gonna tell me how you met momma.” Rui gave off an aura of excitement. “Are you gonna help tell the story, daddy?”

The expression on Hizashi’s face screamed he was going to say yes. I shot him a look. There was no way he could be late for work again. Our eyes met, and he cleared his throat. “Actually, I have to go do teacher things with Uncle Shota. Momma did just bake Nezu a thank you for not firing my husband cake last month. I’m sure she won’t be happy making please rehire my husbandHe’s an idiot cupcakes.”

I leaned in close and nuzzled into his shoulders, stifling a laugh. He parted from me. Hisashi kissed both Rui and me on our foreheads before standing up. Warmth and exhaustion glossed his eyes. He placed his hand on Rui’s head again. “Okay, missy, don’t give momma any trouble. Love you both.”

We both said our goodbyes to Hizashi before he left for bed. My eyes followed him out the door. Again, the room fell silent. I tapped my lips and wondered where to begin.

Rui’s eyes were practically begging for me to start. I readjusted myself so I could face her. She cuddled against a pillow, her arms wrapped tightly around her stuffed penguin. I pulled her quilt over her shoulders before giving my wrists a good stretch. This was going to be a long story.

Voice for Two [Hizashi Yamada x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now