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"Yes boss" a guard said bowing at him, Jungkook saw 4-5 of his men dragging that cheap bodyguard to the dungeon by pushing a kerchief into his mouth, Jungkook instantly turned his frown into a big grin walking towards taehyung who was busy admiring the beautiful garden

"Hey I am Jeon Jungkook" Jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth "wait! I think I have seen you somewhere else" taehyung smiled trying to remember where he saw him soon taehyung's eyes were about to pop out of his sockets when he remembered where he saw him exactly

"Wait......are you agust d's friend Jeon Jungkook? Who has lots of tattoos ?"

"Fuck!!!!!!!!!! He knows me!?" Jungkook panicked for a moment but him being a smart man he instantly thought of an excuse

"Are you talking about my twin brother ? Jeon Jungkook?" Jungkook said and taehyung raised his eyebrows in confusion he never heard about that twin brother "well the guy you are talking about is Jeon Jungkook who was tattoos and I am Jeon Jeongguk" Jungkook lied easily


"Okay let me tell you cleared I am J-E-O-N J-E-O-N-G-G-U-K and my brother's name is J-E-O-N J-U-N-G-K-O-O-K" Jungkook lied superbly thinking both the names sounded similar so no one is going to care about it much

"Oh so you are Jeongguk and your twin brother is Jungkook" taehyung asked pointing at jungkook and jungkook nodded his head

"The fuck i am saying?! Anyway he believed it and that is enough for me"

Taehyung was actually kind of relieved that this person is not that tattoo guy, he was damn sure that both the jeons must have different personalities, Jeongguk is so sweet and Jungkook must be a brat or something, taehyung has a mentality that all the boys who have tattoos and piercings must be spoilt boys

"Come inside" Jungkook smiled and taehyung nodded his head walking inside the Jeon mansion following Jungkook

Taehyung looked around the mansion in awe because every single thing of this mansion screamed expensive that's why they are the most richest family of South Korea

taehyung bowed down when he saw a women in her 40's sitting on the posh couch of the living room, jungkook sat beside her, Mrs Jeon noticed jungkook's new style but she shrugged off thinking she will ask about this later to her son

"I am Kim taehyung and I came here to tutor Jeon Junghyun" taehyung smiled bowing down again "take a seat taehyung" Mrs Jeon said pointing at the couch in front of her and taehyung nodded his head sitting on the soft couch

"Tea of coffee?" Mrs Jeon asked but taehyung shook his head saying 'no' politely "so taehyung what is your education qualification?" Mrs Jeon asked drinking her green tea

"I Just now finished my high school scoring 98% madam and I can speak Spanish, French, english, korean, Chinese and Japanese fluently because my brother works in a transition company that's why I learnt those languages from him" taehyung said and Mrs Jeon nodded her head

"Well my son Jungkook knows to speak many languages, ask something to taehyung just to check when he really knows to speak these many languages or not" Mrs Jeon said and taehyung really didn't mind because she has every right to know about her son's new tutor

"vous êtes belle" [ You are beautiful ] Jungkook blurted out naturally getting mesmerized by taehyung's gorgeous face "Merci" [ Thank you ] taehyung said and a red hue naturally spread in his bread cheeks hearing the complement

"Eres lindo" [ You are cute ] Jungkook said again getting drowned into taehyung's beautiful eyes "gracias" [ Thank you ] taehyung giggled closing his mouth

"Nǐ de xiàoróng hěn kě' [ Your smile is adorable ] Jungkook said looking at taehyung's beautiful boxy smile "Xièxiè nǐ" [ Thank you ] taehyung said blushing crimson red

"Jungkook ?" Mrs Jeon said bringing jungkook out of his beautaeful land, jungkook coughed a couple of times looking at taehyung who was red as a freaking tomato

"Yeah mom, he knows to speak those languages very well" Jungkook said scratching his nape and Mrs Jeon nodded his head

"Mary, escort taehyung to junghyun's room" Mrs jeon said and taehyung quickly stood up when he saw a maid called Mary coming towards him

"I will escort taehyung to junghyun's room" Jungkook said softly standing up from the couch, mary nodded her head walking back to the kitchen

Jungkook walked upstairs followed by taehyung, he looked around the corridor with wide eyes because it was so posh and luxurious why wouldn't it be? After all it is the Jeon's mansion

Jungkook looked at taehyung's clothes which had blood stain "Are you okay? There is a blood stain in your clothes and taehyung looked at his elbow

"Ah, I am okay Master jeon actually I fell down when that guard pushed me" taehyung gave a small smile not even realizing that he just gave an open invitation for Jungkook to kill that guard

"That son of a bi- bird" Jungkook prevented himself from saying 'bitch' because taehyung was looking at him with those innocent eyes and he wanted to ruin his innocence later but not now

"Bi- Bird?"

"You sit on this couch I will be back in a minute" Jungkook said going somewhere and taehyung sat on the couch which was placed in the corner of the wide corridor.

Jungkook walked towards him holding a first aid kid sitting beside taehyung maintaing the distance between them "um can you please remove that?" Jungkook said pointing at the blue cloth which he was wearing above white shirt, taehyung nodded his head removing it placing it on the couch.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before holding Taehyung's wrist. A sudden wave of happiness rushed through them both, but they both chose to ignore it. Jungkook looked at Taehyung's scraped elbow and began to clean the wound, dabbing the cotton softly on it. Taehyung hissed at the stinging sensation, but Jungkook gently blew on the wound to soothe it.

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as he looked at Jungkook. Jungkook finished cleaning the wound and applied a bandage to it. He stood up and looked down at Taehyung.

"Done" Jungkook said placing the antiseptics back on the box "thank you Master jeon" taehyung smiled bowing a bit "Call me Jung- Jeongguk just Jeongguk" Jungkook said and taehyung nodded his head

"Okay Jeongguk"

Well jungkook just started everything with a lie 🥲

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