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Jimin and Taehyung were cuddling in Jimin's bed, talking about random things. Jimin was lying on his back, with Taehyung curled up next to him. Taehyung's head was resting on Jimin's chest, and Jimin had one arm wrapped around him.

"Jiminie, i am going on a date tomorrow" taehyung said nonchalantly and jimin widened his eyes in shock

"Whaaat! And you are telling me now and congratulations!!!!! Atleast one of us is going to have a boyfriend in future" Jimin laughed patting taehyung's shoulder.

"Jimin.... It is just a friendly date" taehyung said and jimin rolled his eyes thinking does friendly date even exists???

"But you are right at least one of us is going to have a boyfriend in future" taehyung laughed wiggling his eyebrows making jimin confused

"Mr owner asked about his Barbie" taehyung said with a teasing smile "don't even talk about him, he stole my first kiss forcefully" Jimin said rolling his eyes

"But jiminie as far as I know, you said you always go to club to do those things" taehyung blushed instantly leaving a sighing jimin

"And you also know that I always lie to become cool...... Swag!" Jimin rolled his eyes at taehyung

"Just leave about that just tell me who is your tomorrow's date?!" Jimin asked excitedly holding taehyung's hand

"It is Mr owner's friend Jeongguk" taehyung blushed when jungkook's adorable smile flashed in his mind

"Oh that tattoo guy!!!?" Jimin asked widening his eyes in shock "no jiminie not that one I am talking about jeon Jeongguk, he is that tattoo guy's twin brother" taehyung corrected him and jimin was not having it.

Jimin opened his Instagram, he unblocked suga, and he pressed on the account where suga tagged jungkook and he went through jungkook's Instagram posts

"Something is fishy tae" Jimin said showing jungkook's Instagram account "if he was his brother why he didn't post any photo with his brother even though he posted photos of his friends too but why not his brother" Jimin asked in confusion

Jimin also checked jungkook's followers list and following list there was no account named jeongguk "look he didn't even follow his brother too, now a days who doesn't use Instagram?!" Jimin asked making taehyung pout in sadness even he doesn't know what's going on.

Jimin sighed cupping taehyung's bread cheeks "babe the thing is you are too innocent for this cruel world, I am scared that people will easily take advantage of you well I am not going to stop you from going to your friendly date but please be careful okay?" Jimin asked and taehyung's eyes became teary hearing his bestfriend's words

"Okay jimin if I feel something wrong about jeongguk in tomorrow's date then I will stay away from him in future okay?" taehyung said revealing his cute boxy smile and jimin nodded his head in agreement soon both the best friends drifted off to deep sleep

The next day, Jungkook stood on the muddy path in front of Taehyung's small house, carrying a bouquet of flowers. He searched for the doorbell, but there wasn't one, so he knocked on the door with his hand, disgusted by touching the cheap wood.

He waited for a moment, but no one answered. He knocked again, harder this time.

A moment later, the door opened and Taehyung was standing there

Jungkook's disgusted face changed into a soft one when he looked at the angel from heaven standing in front of him with a cute boxy smile and bright red cheeks. Taehyung was also wearing a pair of cute round glasses, which made him look even more adorable.

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