Quickly and Quietly: Cyrus POV

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I’d mapped out as much of this place as possible. At this point, if I don’t take a chance now, I might miss my opportunity. If that happened…
I shook my head. Thoughts like that wouldn’t do me any good right now. If I needed a reason to give up, there were plenty running around this place. No. I need to focus on escaping. Thankfully, I’d heard an interesting bit of information from my stilled reconnaissance. Sitting here like a statue made the guard’s lips a bit looser. Apparently, the prisoners, or subjects as they kept referring to us as, were supposed to be moved yesterday. The weather seemed to have different plans, and with a blizzard nonetheless. It was a potentially useful turn of events. It won’t cause too much trouble within the building, but it would definitely be helpful when I make my attempt disappearing into the night. The continuously falling snow would help to cover my tracks which would be my biggest concern overall. A scent was much easier to hide. Now, onto the next major step; choosing the right time. It wouldn’t be perfect, but it was better than nothing.
Judging by the route of the guards that I’d mapped out, there was a small window that would be useful. Unfortunately, there were too few shift changes, which would have been best, but the hole that I’d found would be just as useful. Instead of a convenient shift-change, they had a different issue entirely; stupidity. These guards were obviously not the cream of the crop considering that they all left the inner part of this area to patrol the outer parts together. Of course, this was excluding the ones that liked to nap on the job. They were basically the cherries on top. While they left the inner area unguarded I’d make my move. It wasn’t perfect, but a little on the fly adaptation was acceptable and expected. Plus, if I killed a few on the way out I’d weaken their pursuit, if only a little.
I opened my eyes ever so slightly and glanced at the final, yet most important problem, the camera. There was no guarantee that it worked which means it’s best to assume that it did. If so, what could I do about it? If I destroyed it, I’m sure someone would be alerted, assuming that it’s functional. Even with how shitty this location was, it didn’t mean that the cameras would be ignored, especially not for someone who’s killed the last two people to enter their cell. I resisted the urge to growl in irritation. Think. This place is a waypoint; temporary. It’s not well-maintained meaning the tech is maybe a bit better than the bare minimum. Which could possibly mean…
Damn it! I hate all these uncertainties. I hope I’m right. I took a breath and laid down, curled up slightly. All there was to do now was to wait. The ground was cold, but I ignored it. The only thing that was even remotely distracting was the scent of death. They never sent anyone in to remove the corpses, so they’d remained where they fell. Time passed a bit too slowly, but, eventually, the guards headed to the perimeter of the area. Now, to take care of the first big gamble. Moving as quickly as could, I covered my hands in congealed blood before quickly covering the camera with it. If the camera was in color, obviously th screen would look noticeably red, but if this thing was as shitty as I hoped it was and recorded in black and white, the screen would instead look blacked out. Hopefully, they take it as a technical glitch for a while rather than someone tampering with the physical camera. That’d buy me a bit more time. If not, well…
I shook my head after covering the entirety of the black globe. The whole process took about half a minute, but I didn’t slow down. Keep moving, in fact, go faster. I got to work searching my second victim’s clothes. Thankfully the key was in the fourth pocket. I rolled my eyes as I unlocked the door. Keeping the key on me, just in case, I made my way towards the path of least resistance. Altogether, down this particular hallway, were two sleeping guards near the middle, in a sort of breakroom was my guess, and one a the end of the hallway who would be actively patrolling. I sprinted quickly, but quietly, a slight smile on my lips as my eyes took in the build of the hallways. This place really was a shithole; not a camera to be seen down the entirety of the hallway, or at least not a working one. Wires hung from one, while the other only had an arm and no camera attachment at all. Not that I was complaining.
As I reached the suspected opening of the breakroom, my eyes swept the room. Two round tables with four chairs each. Just my luck that they weren’t dozing at the same table. Annoying. At least one of them had their back to me, that made this easier. Closing the distance between me and the one with his back to me, my hands hovered over his throat; one at the front and one at the back. Simultaneously I severed his vocal cords and broke the spinal segments at the base of his skull. What a lucky bastard to die while sleeping. Wasting no time, I lept onto the second table and landed directly in front of my next target. As his eyes opened, I removed his heart; severing his vocal cords as well. His head fell back limply and I dropped the heart on the table. Exiting the room, I continued down the hallway listening intently to the sound of the guard approaching the intersection in front of me. I reached the end of the hallway before him and flattened myself against the wall to the left, the same side the guard was coming from. As he rounded the corner, I dug my extended claws into his throat and ripped out the inner workings. I dropped the stringy pinkish-red things that I’d ripped out as his body fell towards the floor. I grabbed his hair preventing his head from loudly slamming into the floor. After pulling him into the hallway fully I dropped his head so that it landed much quieter.
Listening hard, I made sure no one saw the dead guard’s feet being dragged into this hallway. That would be unfortunate. After three seconds without rushing footsteps, I entered the now empty perimeter. I started to head towards the left, which I suspected to be the exit before turning quickly. Searching the guard’s corpse I was thankful I hadn’t been too hasty. I looked at the old-style magnetic strip security card for a split second before gripping tightly and sprinting down yet another hallway. As I reached the end I gritted my teeth. Where’s the door? My eyes scanned the wall in front of me before I looked around the corner and almost cursed in frustration. The exit from this areas was definitely this way, but it was at the center of the hallway. To make matters worse there were two guards standing on either side of it. Shit! What a fucking pain in the ass!

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