Existence: Cyrus POV

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I sat on the hospital bed watching Leo watch me; or, better yet, watch my body. For the umpteenth time, I followed his gaze looking at my pale face. Pale, unmoving, and barely breathing. My eyes drifted to his hand holding my own or, at least the one on my physical body. Despite knowing what would happen I reached towards the intertwined fingers wanting, hoping to offer even a little comfort. Unfortunately, the same thing that always happened occurred once more. I met no resistance and felt no warmth, no touch at all, as my current hand passed completely through. As usual, Leo had no reaction at all; as if I did nothing at all. A wave of sadness washed over me as I pulled my hand back and hugged myself. I couldn't feel it; couldn't fucking feel my own limbs wrapped around me. Everything felt this way. Everything felt like nothing. There was no sound that I could hear; it was always silent, always numb. The only thing I could do was watch. Watch as my mate struggled to keep going or as my daughter cried noiselessly. The only thing that reminded me that I was still alive was the steady image of the heart monitor that went in time with my heartbeat. I'm still not exactly sure how it became like this Maybe it was a sort of limbo?

"A place between life and death, yes. Humans refer to such places as a 'limbo' occasionally, my child."

I looked up to see a faceless figure dressed in a flowing sort of white cloth. It both obscured and accentuated the shape of the figure creating a hauntingly beautiful image. Considering my situation, I had a guess as to who this was and, under any other circumstances, I might have been in some sort of awe or disbelief. But, this place made it hard to feel anything, so instead, I asked the most important question,

"How do I leave this place?"

The figure spoke in the same gently and androgynous tone, one that was both loud and soft as it filled the space without being overbearing

"When you wake up, you will leave that place, child."

I should feel angry at that type of obvious answer, but all I did was move on the next issue,

"Why am I here?"

"This place was established as a...protective space. It is only made available in certain situations, though."

I tilted my head slightly,

"Certain situations?"

The figure stood in silence for a while before speaking again,

"I will be frank with you, This place was created as a safe haven for consciousness that can find no solace within the mind. There are very few occasions where this will occur, so many know not of this place and those that do are rarely here long enough, or are aware enough to understand the situation that they are currently in as they wait for the bodies to make a decision.

I didn't respond immediately; taking some time to pick apart the words she said. A place for the consciousness to be safe when the mind was not. Glancing at my body, I understood all too well what they were referring to. A quick image of the forest my mind had conjured up came to mind. As quick as it came, it was gone and, for the first time since I had arrived in this place, I was thankful for the lack of feeling. Waiting for the body to make a decision?

"So I'm here until I recover or die?"

The question was rhetorical, but the figure answered anyway,

"That is correct, child."

They offered no words after that and I looked down at my hands before turning my gaze to Leo. He'd laid his head down on the bed next to me-, next to my body, as exhaustion forced him to sleep while his stubbornness stopped him from leaving the room and laying down in our own. I wish I could drag him to get a good night's sleep in our bed; even a nap was better than what he was currently doing. The rings under his eyes were clear evidence of his lack of keeping a steady sleep schedule. His hair had dulled and was always messy. His eyes, when they weren't focused on me, had a constant thousand-yard stare that focused on nothing at all; even when he was actively paying attention to something. It wasn't much better when he looked at me. His gaze would become filled with longing, his pupils shaking occasionally as his eyes would get a slight red tinge on the edges. It was as if he wanted to cry, but was incapable of producing the tears any longer. As he pressed the back of my hand to his lips, I wanted to comb my fingers through his hair. I looked back at the figure,

"I can't...I can't interact with him-, with any of them, at all...can I,,,?"

The figure met my gaze steadily and, though their face was shrouded, I could still feel their pity, or was it sympathy? They took a breath before shaking their head solemnly,

"I'm afraid you cannot. It's actually quite complex to still keep your consciousness on a plane where you can still sense them."

I raise a brow,


The figure nodded again,

"Though you may perceive it as sight, your consciousness has no eyes and, therefore, cannot see."

I nodded and went back to watching Leo. He'd fallen asleep and was breathing softly and rhythmically. I sighed and stood up walking to the crib against the wall across from the hospital bed. Ciara was asleep inside of it and an intense sense of longing came over me. There was nothing worse than being forced to watch your baby cry and not be able to do anything about and I'd been forced to do so repeatedly. I grabbed at my chest. It was strange. It was as if there was a dull ache just out of reach. There was nothing I could do to alleviate it at all. I could only wait to become used to it and continue to wait. I sunk down to the floor, pulling my knees up to my chest while I stared at the bars of the crib. I want this to end! Please end?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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