Consider it, an investment

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"I'm gonna go out on a limb here," Sahmin said as she walked over to look at Henry's tank. "And say that the thing Mammon wants more than anything is something valuable, like money. Or something he could hawk for the cash." She put a hand to her chin as she watched the tiny fish float effortlessly through the tank, "I only just arrived, so I don't have anything to offer him in the way of cash, and even if I did–he'd just take it by force." She gave Leviathan a concerned look. "Unless you know of a way, I could get my hands on something?"

"You're not half as dumb as you look human," Levi smiled at her and nodded, despite her glare. "Mammon would totally trick you out of whatever you got your hands on, or he'll catch you gone and steal it from your room–or he would straight up strong arm you into giving it up. But worry not!" He raised a finger above his head like an anime character and Sahmin had to resist the urge to cringe. "Lucifer has something that Mammon wants, something he'd kill to get..."

"Something that if we got our hands on it, he wouldn't actually kill me over?" Sahmin asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Not if I'm helping you, and we make sure that Lucifer is within shouting distance." Levi assured her. "I might take a beating, but he can't outright kill me. You on the other hand, a flick of his wrist and you're dust."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence there, buddy." Sahmin told him flatly.

"Whatever, anyway we're getting off track. The thing Lucifer has, the one Mammon wants? I'm referring to Mammon's credit card, which Lucifer took away from him some time ago." He noticed the exasperated looked she was giving him, "Hey, I see that look on your face and I know what you're thinking. 'A credit card? Pff, why would he care so much about something like that?' Well,"

"I mean...he is the physical form of the Greed Sin, isn't he?" Sahmin pointed out and waved a hand, "Of course a credit card would fall into his circle of desires, it directly ties to material wealth."

"You've got no idea just how much he depends on that thing." Levi warned her with a serious tone. "It's basically limitless, and he never stopped using it. Never ever. Eventually, Lucifer had enough of his behavior and so he confiscated it. He got tired of Mammon hiding bills when they were mailed to the house and some debt collectors had started to call. Not to mention the witches he's got hounding him for payback." Levi shook his head, "Let's see, what did he used to call it again? 'My one true love'? It was something like that. It was like he thought it was a woman. He probably named it. I bet he even slept with it. Gross."

Sahmin blinked and looked around Leviathan's room and glanced inside his tub bed, she knew a body pillow cover when she saw one. And she could just make out some reddish colored hair in pigtails peeking out from under the mountain of other bed items. I really don't think you have room to complain. She kept this thought to herself, however. "So, we convince Lucifer to give it to us, to use against him? I don't really think he's that generous, even if it means getting his troublemaker under thumb."

"Oh yeah, no." Levi shook his head, "It'll mean Mammon will get his card back, and Lucifer likes the limited access to funds Mammon has now. Hasn't stopped the debt collectors or the witches, but the bills have finally stopped being mailed and hidden around the house." He held up his hands, "Which means we need to find where Lucifer has it hidden and take it for ourselves. So, listen up," He pointed at Sahmin and his eyes bore into her. "I want you to talk to Lucifer and find out where he's hidden it. Of course, he can't suspect anything. You've got to be subtle, like it just comes up naturally. Make sure you do a good job, or else!"

"Yeah, yeah, stealth mission to get the info, I got it." Sahmin raised her hands in mock surrender until Levi seemed to believe her. "Anything else?"

"You have my number in your D.D.D. right? Message me when you find something out, but make sure no one sees you messaging me," he cringed before shoving her toward his door. "I don't need my brothers or anyone at RAD thinking that I'm hanging out with some non-otaku normie. Gross." He opened the door, shoved her into the hall and then slammed his door, the lock turning immediately to seal her outside.

Obey Me: Sahmin EditionWhere stories live. Discover now