A nose where it doesn't belong

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Sahmin had avoided Mammon for the rest of the morning. In fact, she avoided all the brothers if she could help it. The fight with Mammon on the stairs was too fresh in her mind to face any of them just yet. She had made sure to sit in open spots where there was already a demon sitting. So, she wouldn't be forced to sit with Mammon, or any of his brothers. She had been successful, until time for break. She was busy coping notes down for mathematics when she heard two demons seated a little way away from her gossiping.

"Did you hear the news? Apparently that human forged a pact with Mammon." One spoke.

"Seriously? I don't get it." A feminine sounding voice responded. "Why forge a pact with an ordinary human?"

Someone walked up to her desk and stood still as a statue, she looked up to see a man with green hair tinted with teal staring coldly over her toward the owners of the gossiping voices. "Huh. Whenever you made an important announcement, the demons here couldn't care less. But rumors...they really do spread like wildfire." He put a gloved hand to his chin and looked down at Sahmin. "Just when I thought the uproar about the new exchange student from the human world had started to subside some, now they're all freaking out about this."

Sahmin glanced at him over, feeling as though she should apologize. He was dressed in the typical RAD uniform and held himself with an air of importance. Soon, another body appeared and touched the boy's shoulder.

"Come now, don't say that Barbatos." It was Diavolo, looking stern, but he broke into a grin when he saw Sahmin seated at her desk, notes open. "Actually, I'd say that all this gossip is a good thing. It means everyone will be watching this human, which makes it hard for any demon to go after Sahmin's soul when no one is looking."

"Yes," Lucifer appeared behind Sahmin without so much as a sound, blocking her from the view of the gossiping demons. He leaned against the desk behind him and narrowed his eyes in annoyance. "Since Mammon's not doing a very good job as a guardian. I told him to look after Sahmin, but he's off somewhere shirking his responsibilities. Though I figured this would happen."

"I'm sorry." Sahmin found herself telling Lucifer. "He really didn't want to be made to watch me. And I've not really made it easy on him today." She admitted when the men looked down at her with surprise. "I've...been avoiding him."

"Ah. This is about this morning, isn't it?" Lucifer sighed heavily. "We could hear your spat all the way in the dining room." He pat her shoulder once. "You stood your ground well, and I apologize for his rudeness. If you like, I will punish him."

"No, please don't." Sahmin said quickly, surprising Lucifer even further, to the point he put his hand on his chest. "I...don't want him to have another reason to hate me." She looked away. "He's got enough as it is."

"I must say, I can't believe you managed to forge a pact with Mammon, Sahmin. That's no small feat." Diavolo praised as he crossed his arms. "And what's more, you did it in such a short time."

The unknown man spoke up with a pride filled smile, "I suppose it stands as proof that you chose well bringing this human here, Lord Diavolo."

Sahmin blinked and ran through the names of the demons she had met so far, but this man's name escaped her. "I'm sorry, you know me, but I'm afraid I can't place your name."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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