Dawn of the Second Day

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After the fiasco in the kitchen, Sahmin returned to her room and tried to settle down to sleep, but her heart was hammering in her chest. She had managed to get Mammon to agree to the pact! As long as she kept him within shouting distance, he had to do what she told him to–which included defending her.

I feel a little better, knowing that. She told herself as she rolled onto her side and cuddled a lilac pillow. Now the hard part will be staying glued to his side. But I feel much safer knowing he'll save me. She felt her body start to warm up, and sleep starting to settle over her as a yawn escaped. Was that her door she heard? Probably Beelzebub back in the kitchen again. Guilt started to pick at the back of her mind as it faded to black. "I just wanna make it to...the end of the year..." she murmured to herself. "Mammon."


Mammon flopped backwards onto his messy bed and kicked off his shoes as he held his black credit card above him. He had scoured the house, top to bottom and had tried several times to sneak into Lucifer's room to find it. But Lucifer kept his room warded so no one could enter without being invited first by the first born. That's where Mammon had assumed the card was hidden for, what, fifty years now?

"Oh Goldie, I've missed you soo much baby!" He kissed the card several times and nuzzled it. "I know, I know, that bastard Lucifer actually froze you! What a dad joke! Don't worry baby, I'll make sure to use you a lot this month and get you back to normal, you'll see!" He rolled over and pulled his wallet out from his back pocket and slid the black card into its dedicated place. "No one could take your place, my one true love!" he cooed once it was secure. He placed it in his drawer and concentrated, it was a similar spell to what Lucifer used in his room. Something to keep unwanted snoopers out. "Won't keep Lucifer out," He admitted with a scowl, "But It'll definitely keep out that human and my brothers...well...except maybe Satan." He shook his head and rolled over onto his back and closed his eyes.

He had been at a modeling job for Devil Style since school had let out and had eaten during his break. He had only just come home when he heard Sahmin and Levi's voices drifting down the hall. He tried to not think about the kitchen incident. Then he remembered how Sahmin had bitten his finger at school because he had pointed at her. He grumbled to himself and looked at said finger. She hadn't left any marks, but it had startled him, who knew a human had the guts, or was that brainless, to bite a demon and talk back to him like she did.

"I'm too wound up to sleep." he said as he sat himself up on his bed and looked around for something to do. "Damn Levi...and that...that human too!" He snapped as he climbed off his bed and made his way to his lounging area, booting up his console and turning on the projector that made the image appear on the pull-down backdrop. "Forcing me into a pact." He picked up his controller, still cursing under his breath. "Like they're my boss." He clicked his tongue and played a few rounds of a fighting game, trying to forget what happened.

He got to thinking about his school day, he knew he was gonna flunk Devildom Law, Math and Curses and Hexes. He was sure that Lucifer would have his ass strung up before the week was out, but he felt confident in his abilities for Seductive Speechcraft and Home Economics. Thinking about class made him remember Sahmin again, he had several classes with her, and he chalked it up to Lucifer pulling strings behind the scenes to make sure Sahmin would have someone to keep an eye on her.

"I never asked to be a damn babysitter." He complained as the screen read 'Game Over', the phrase made him groan and shut off the projector with a slam. It reminded him of Levi's giddy face and how his body had forced him to give up his recently acquired cash. The more he thought about it, the angrier it made him, he jumped to his feet and stormed to his door. "If she thinks she's gonna bowl me over and make a fool outta me, she's gotta 'nother thing comin'." He growled as he peeked outside his door.

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