Father İmpulse!

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(İmpulseSV + Child!Reader)
(some Father!İmpulseSV for the soul listen to song "Jump Up Superstar" for double the happiness lol )
You were walking around with your father. İmpulse was your father the day he saved you from the zombies and the skeletons. You tugged at his shirt "Do you need something kid?" he asks you. You point to Scar. You didnt met him so you wanted to go next to him "I wanna meet him." You said "Sure!" he said and walked over to Scar as his wings flaps a bit. (forgot to say he is carrying you) you look around to see Scar. Well Scar with Grian. Grian knew you but Scar didnt. "Hello guys!" he said "Hello İmpulse!" Scar and Grian said in unison "Wait... Who is that?" Scar asked "Scar. This is my kid y/n!" İmpulse said "Hi Father İmpulses Friend!" You said Scar gasped "You... Got a kid? When?!" İmpulse laughed and said "I saved and well... adopted them" Scar was shocked "Father İmpulse! Its getting late!" You said İmpulse smiled as Scar said "Yeah... We will die if we dont go to our bases... So... Bye!" he left. Grian waved goodbye and left as you guys left as well. You fell asleep as İmpulse hummed a song. When you guys arrived İmpulse laid you down at your bed and he said "Good night kid, sleep well." and then he went to his own bed and fell asleep
(240 words)

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