Dang... You Got me...

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(Rendog + Reader angst)
(THIS IS MY COPING MECHANISM OK? This is my coping mechanism AND my oneshots book ok? Sorry ıf this was kinda rude lmao also tw for death and blood)
You were doomed. You were fighting Ren. He was pissed... So pissed in fact that he started attacking you. "Ren! Calm down! This isnt like you!" You said dodging all of his attacks "YOU PİSSED ME OFF AND YOUR WILL PAY THE CONSEQUENCES!" he said and kept attacking you. You dodged them all exept the last one... He slashed your stomach. "H-hah... Dang... You got me champ." Ren finally snapped out of it. Seeing you bleeding out. "(Y/N)! OH GOD..." He looks at you and tries heals you but you push him away. "You win... Isnt this what you wanted? Huh? HUH? YOU ARE CRAZY... THİS İSNT LİKE YOU...!" You said crying. "(y/n)... Im sorry..." You hugged him "Its ok... Just... Promise you will burry me under the tree where we met... İ will see you soon I suppose..." You smile and took your last breath. The death message showed in minecraft chat to everyone to see.
(y/n)ishere has been slained by RenDog with [Rens Peace Protector]
Ren was still crying. He didnt meant to do it. He was doomed with it now... He would miss you but now his king duties waited him... "Im sorry..." He mumbles and leaves
(237 words)

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