Chapter 8: Hophelia Got a Dengue

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Helena's Pov

Where's Hophelia? why she's not showing off ? looks she's trapping her self in her room for the whole day! And her room is locked! I think I could knock the door !

Helena:Hophelia, Hophelia, Hophelia! Please open the door ! Hophelia, Hophelia , Hophelia! Why you're not answering?

Helena:Please answer me , please open the door! I'm so bothered about you, Hophelia! So please, please ,please!

Author's Pov

"Helena the mom of Hophelia is now worrying about how was Hophelia because she's not going outside to talk or hang out with somebody! She just locking her self in her room to disregard everyone in their house. Cause those incidents that their family had faced gave her so much traumas. As her mom felt unsettled she find the duplicate key from the box which is suit on Maryanna's door knob. When she already have it she immediately use it to open the door of the room of Hophelia. Then she was shocked that Hophelia is sleeping profoundly but there are lot of rashes on her skin and her body temperature was so  hot. When her mom touched her she wake up and got shocked for awhile."

Hophelia: ha, hai Mom! Why you're here? Where did you pass by ? I think I locked the door!
Helena: I got the duplicate key to open the door knob.
Hophelia: Okay, mom! Mom I think my whole body isn't feeling well feels like I got an eye pain, muscle pain, bone pain and joint pain. In addition I vomitted on the trash can lately then now my head is aching and look those rashes are getting worst and worst on my skin.
Helena: Yes looks you are drearing, Hophelia!
Hophelia:Mom, I'm not feeling okay feels like I'm dying "while starting crying" Mom, please give me medicines or put something on my skin and head!
Helena: Okay, Hophe! W-Wait for me !

"Her mom is rushing towards the kitchen to get the medicines she needed and the cold water inside the fridge to soak it on the towel to put it on the Hophelia's forehead. Her father arrived home, he came from somewhere to find a job but unfortunately he hadn't find any. He noticed the worried face of Helena and so he interacted with her even they are not both okay ."

Roldan: Hi, Helena ! Looks you are problamatic again! What's the matter?
Helena: Please bring this cold water and towel at the room of Hophelia. And put it on his forehead when you arrived their I need to find the medicines I needed.
Roldan:Okay, Helena!

"When Roldan Arrived at the room of Hophelia he witnessed how Hophelia vommited on the trash can continuously. Hophelia couldn't know what to do to made her self okay. She was shocked when her father entered the room handling a towel and cold water in a bowl."

[Hophelia's vommiting]

Roldan: Hi, Hophe! Looks like you're vommitting differently but vommit those "while tapping her back"
Hophelia: Ha, hi dad!(while having gasping sound)
Helena: Hophelia, before taking this medicine eat first because we noticed you hadn't eaten your lunch so please eat this first!
Hophelia: Mom,  I don't have appetite to eat it but okay mom i'll eat just a 5 scoops.
Roldan:Is it okay for you Phelia to eat ? I think she don't feel okay eating at this time when she constantly vommiting
Hophelia:No it's okay!

"Hophelia just finished taking 5 scoops then she feels like fainting ;looks like her vision aren't working. Her mom rubbed an ointment on her fore head and other side of her upper body to relieve the head aches. After that she asked Hophelia to took the medicine but unfortunately Hophelia vommited again And she passed out .

"Hophelia, Hophelia, Hophelia! (A crying wake up call of her mom )

"Phelia, Phelia, Phelia?" (A worried questions From her father)

Helena get her phone on her pants pocket and dialed an ambulance number. After 3 times of trying to call it the ambulance hotline responded that they're on the way

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