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Roses P.O.V

I turn around to see a guy leaning against a pole as he had a smirk plastered on his face. He had light brown hair similar to mine with blue eyes and a white shirt. Who is he? Is this Professor Ashton?

"What are you doing here Adam? " Anna backed away from where he stood but still had confidence radiating off of her with her head high.

"I just wanted to see what all the commotion was about when I heard the lords were protecting something very valuable" he said making me shiver as rain started to fall hitting me and the glass building like needle's.

"I just wanted to see what all the commotion was about when I heard the lords were protecting something very valuable" he said making me shiver as rain started to fall hitting me and the glass building like needle's

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"But now I see how preciously beautiful it is" Adam I presumed, pushed him self off the metal pole and took strides towards me only resulting in me taking a step back every time he did so. And soon enough I was inevitably cornered with him standing in front of me, my back pressed against a very large plant pot full of yellow-pink like flowers. He smiled but it was far from friendly at all. I held my breath as I felt his cold hand reach up and touch the side of my face that was wet from the rain. His touch felt like ice with a temperature far more lower then Harry's has ever been. He sighed deeply as his eyes closed only to open seconds later.

"How selfish of them to keep you here all to their self's" He smirked, his eyes pierced into mine changing into a red color instantly. He pushed a strand of hair out of my face which seemed to have woken my senses when I stopped him by slapping his hand.

"Leave me alone" I pushed him but that had no effect like I had guessed since he did have 50x the strength of me. He smirked at me seeing as if this was a game that he was very very interested in playing. He gripped my hip ruffling the now wet fabric in his hold as his left hand was up against the large pot behind us.

"But baby girl, we're just getting started " he whispered into my ear making goosebumps rise all over my skin and I shivered a bit because of the freezing temperatures radiating off of him. He leaned in only centimeters away from my face as his hand released my dress and cupped the side of my face. Shit, I was shacking in my own skin and I felt as if at any moment I would be drained alive. Plus where the hell is Anna anyways? I turned my head to the side to see if Anna was still here and also to distance my face from his but was hopeless when I was met with no one but the rain and Adam to acompany me. I jumped when I felt the guys nose brush against the skin on my neck as he breathed in deeply. His hair stuck to the side of my cheek, tear sized droplets slid off his hair and onto his shirt. I started to struggle in his hold with all my force to push him away.

"Get away from me" I pushed on his chest but he still didnt move, making him grip my dress tightly almost ripping the fabric off.

"You smell soooo heavenly " he rolled his eyes breathing deeply making me want to knee him in the balls and shrivel up all at once. He stood a couple centimeters away from my face looking concentrated on me with such focus gulping harshly.

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