Life As Is

570 17 0

Roses P.O.V

I catched my breath as my heart beat started to slow down. My hands flew to my chest and the red crystal was still there and sparkled as it shined in the sun light that poked through the window. I dangled my feet off of the side of the bed making me relax to the cool air surrounding me. I got up and went to the restroom splashing some water on my face making me feel more awake. I sighed heavily staring off in a daze for a moment before I saw a bruise on my shoulder. A gift given by a stranger in a rush on the street.

My brown curls flowed down my skin and my monotonous blues eyes stared back at me in the mirror. I smiled and even that looked dull. I got dressed in my usual black skirt and blue striped button up. I worked as someone who helps take care of orphans that were abandon, lost or parents died from vampires. When no one can take care of them we step in and raise them untill they're sixteen. We need all the space we can get as many children are there.

*BANG, BANG, BANG* " Rose I need my rent money now! " I herd the landlord say as he banged on the door harder. I totally forgot about that. Shit.

" Oh right I'm so sorry. I wont be able to give it to you untill later tonight" I said opening the door to a very red, steaming man.

" I needed the money two months ago and I have been more than generous to let you stay here longer than you're welcome" he said as I slipped on my Toms.

" Yes, you have been very very kind and I'm so sorry its late but it will be here. Please just a few more hours" I pleaded.

" Look dear I don't think I can wait. The owner of this property is not very patient and he is a vampire which makes him very capable of hurting my family" He didnt look at me.

" But, please-"

"I'm sorry but you have to go" he turned to leave.

" I have som- "

"If you don't go then I will have to throw you out myself. I'm sorry." he said as the door closed. I felt bad for the guy as I am more than sure he does a lot to protect his family. A cold breeze blew in from the window making the thought of being homeless sink in. I was worried to were I would stay at night when all the Vamps come out. They are stronger than us humans but weak for there kind which is why some of the myths about them are true but not for the other vampires. I was still suprised as I looked out the window to people walking the streets.

"Everything will be fine" I repeated to my self as I packed my bag that only had a few outfits, my brush, A pair of converse and my Ipod.I walked down stairs and I saw the manager avoid my gaze.

" I'm so sorry that I have been causing you so much trouble. I will bring you all the money that I owe you as soon as I can and thank you for being so kind to me" The man looked surprised still looking at the magazine in his hand. I walked out of the building seeing the same thing everyday, very few people in the street. It was rather quiet only little mummers' from a few people.

I walked past the pastry shop that is usually open at this time but was closed as I saw Mrs. Vega closing the shutters to the window. Before she closed the last one she spotted me looking, giving me a sympathetic look before disappearing behind the wooden board. I wonder what has gotten her so roweled up, I will have to ask Stacy at work today. I kept walking down the street and saw the same poster that I always see going towards work. It read NYC and I remember Jason my used to be neighbor said that it stood for New York City back 400 years ago. All of a sudden it got dark, I looked up and saw the sun disappear behind a large grey cloud. Everyone got frightened as they all fled. I walked faster down multiple streets until I saw the orphanage.

" Let me in, please" I banged on the door but no one came as it remains locked " please hurry. open the door" I said quieter knowing no one would come. It was one of the laws everywhere. That when a vampier is close you wait two minutes getting everyone inside then lock the doors, shut the windows and hide not letting anyone else in. I sighed looking around the empty street as it was a ghost town with only the wind to hear. Chills scattered my body as a sign that Vamps were approaching. I ran down another street then turned twice on another block but the cold feeling got stronger. Then I saw the place that no one was ever supposed to go. It was the territory of the pure bloods which was through this forest and supposably on the other side was a huge palace but no one ever made it to the end to actually tell about it. Well there is no way in hell I'm going in there.

"Well hello dear" a voice said behind me. Okay maybe not.

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