Lollipop x unfazed¡reader || "Everyone HATES me Lollipop!"

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<Hi guys <3! This was requested by:

@dumb_phr0g! I hope u like this :)!>

<Btw if u don't know what unfazed means, it means done with life, I just wanted to tell u guys bc some of y'all don't know it- (I think idk-) anyways bye now :)!>


CUTTING, MENTIONING OF DEATH, AND OTHERS 👩‍🦯, if you don't like any of theses, you don't have to read :)!

3rd person POV:

Y/N was sitting down under a cherry blossom tree, listening to their favorite music/song and was reading a book, they stayed there for a long time to get rid of the thoughts and get away from their team.

Most of their teammates hated or just ignored them like they didn't even exist on the planet. Y/N continued to read their favorite book, <Favorite book title>.

After a while of reading and reading, someone came towards them. Like I said before, EVERYONE hate or ignored their existence, except for one person- well object, who acknowledged their existence and their best friend they ever had since they joined BFDI/BFB.


People ask Lollipop why she's friends with Y/N, the truth is that Lollipop had a little crush on them.Most of everyone knew Lollipop had a crush on Y/N, except for Y/N of course.

Lollipop slowly walked over to Y/N and noticed they had headphones/earphones on.She continued to walk towards Y/N.Lollipop finally was next to Y/N and sat down next to them.

Apparently Y/N didn't seem to hear or notice Lollipop because they were to focused on their book. After a few minutes, Lollipop tapped Y/N shoulder. Lollipop noticed Y/N flinch a bit though and turned to look at her. After a few seconds of staring at each other's eyes, Y/N broke the silence, "O-oh sorry Lollipop, didn't see you there." Y/N gave Lollipop a small smile. Lollipop smiled back at them and began to speak afterwards, "Hey Y/N, how have you been?" "I- I've been good. Thanks for asking.." Both Lollipop and Y/N blushed a bit and look away from each other.Y/N went back to reading their book and Lollipop just stared at the beautiful sunset.

After a few more minutes, Lollipop slowly scooted closer to Y/N and wrapped her arms around Y/N, slowly though. Y/N flinched once again but relaxed once they found out Lollipop was hugging them.

The two stayed like this for a few minutes until Y/N broke the silence once again, "Hey lollipop, may I ask you something, please don't tell anyone though because I don't anyone else to know about this.." They said, softly. Lollipop nodded and took her arms off of Y/N.

Y/N slowly got up and took off the sweater they had on. Lollipop was shock on she was seeing. All over Y/N arms, we're so many cuts and bruises. "Did you do this to yourself?.." Lollipop said, still shocked on what she was seeing from Y/N. They slowly nodded and started to tear up, "I-I'm sorry Lollipop.. I just- *Sniff* everyone hates me, Lollipop! No one wants to talk to me and everyone just fucking ignores me like I'm a ghost or something!" Y/N started to tear up more and more and was shaking.

Lollipop quickly got up and hugged Y/N. The two stood still until Y/N hugged Lollipop back. "Hey don't think that way, not everyone hates you, you know?" The two broke the hug and looked at each other's eyes once again.

"W-what do you mean, almost everyone hates me here! Probably you as well.. you're just my friend so I won't be lonely, you can stop the shitty act you're doing, you're justing doing this so then later on you can break my heart!" Y/N teared up even more, "I should fucking k¡ll myself, NO ONE WILL EVEN CARE IF I DIE! LOLLIPOP, STOP ACTING LIKE YOU FUCKING CARE FOR ME.. JUST LET ME D¡E ALO-" Right before Y/N could finish their sentence, Lollipop kissed them.

Both their lips touched each other's for a while, until Lollipop pulled away. "Y/N, the truth is.. I-I, I've loved you since the day we meet.. since the day I laid my eyes on you, you've been so important to me and I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same for me, now the real question is," Lollipop took a deep breath and spoke.

"Do you love me as well?.."

Y/N was shocked on what they were hearing but then relaxed at bit, the hugged Lollipop once again. The two enjoyed the moment and the sunset.

"Now that we confessed to each other, will you be with me?.." Lollipop whispered to Y/N's ear. Y/N nodded and pulled away from Lollipop.

Lollipop looked at the sunset and back at Y/N, "It's getting late now, shall we go back and watch some shows?.." Y/N blushed a bit and once again nodded.

The two hold each other's hand and began to walk towards the place they were staying at.

On their walk towards the building Lollipop started to speak, "What movie do you wanna watch?" Y/N took a few seconds to answer, "<Favorite Movie>!" Lollipop chuckled and said okay.

<Words Wrote: 960!!>

<HI YALL!!! IM SORRY I TOOK FOREVER, I was busy and I just found out im sick so I could finish this until like today so im sorry I took forever! Anyways i hope u enjoyed this I'll be making more very soon, but for now I really hope u liked this, buh-bye now!! <3!!>

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