Balloon x Seacreature¡Reader || "I'm not from around here actually..hehe!.."

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<Again, no one requested this so 💀!->

<Btw ignore the photo above this, I couldn't find a pic of Balloon in my camera roll 😿..anyways ENJOY!!>

<This is humanized btw :-)!!>
(Y/N: Your name :D!)
(F/C: Fin color <3!)
(E/C: Eye color >:3!)
(H/C: Hair color ^^!)
(SH/C: Shirt color B)!)

Balloon's pov:

Another day, and still can't get in the Hotel yet.

"Oh come on Oj, can you please let me in?" I begged to Oj, who sighed and looked down at me. "I've told you millions of time.. the answer is no.."

I sighed and looked back at Oj one last time then started to walk to the dock that was close to Hotel Oj.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the dock. I looked back at the Hotel then slowly looked back at the beautiful sunset.(A/N:Why tf do I keep writing abt sunsets 🙁...)

I sighed and relaxed. I slowly closed my eyes and was about to doze off until I heard something in the water.

I opened my eyes and looked around, to see nothing. I narrowed my eyes around the dock once again to see if something was actually there or I was just hallucinating it.

"Huh?" I said to myself as I saw something swim past me.

Hesitantly, I got on my knees and crawled to the edge of the dock, I slowly sticked my head and looking around to see if that 'thing' was there.

My heart raced and I kept a look out for something, after a few seconds, I finally spoke.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"


My eyes widened when I heard another voice, I looked to my side and got spooked by someone's head popping out the water.

Their eyes were a beautiful (E/C), their hair was shining from the sunshine that was right behind them.

"Oh hello! I didn't see you there..!" I smiled, awkwardly.

The strange creature sticked their whole head out of the water and gave me a big grin.

"W-wow you look so cool!!" They said to me as they looked at my legs, I blushed a bit at the compliment they had given me.

"Are you a-" "A monster? Mhm.." They slowed sinker into the water once again. Still sticking their head out the water though!

"N-no, you're not a monster!" I reassured them.

They sticked their whole head and body out when they heard me say that. They smiled once again and closed their eyes, "Thank you! Most species like you say that I'm an ugly monster because I'm different... plus because I have a fish tail!" I slowly sticked their colorful (F/C) out the blue-greenish water.

I smiled at how beautiful they were.

They slowly put their tail back into the water and swam more towards me.

"Oh by the way, what's your name? I didn't get to know it sorry!" They giggled a bit, "I-I'm Balloon, how about you?"

"I'm.. Y/N, I know, it sounds were and you probably never heard of it hehe!"

"Y/N.. I love that name!" I smiled wide again, I could clearly see they got fluttered and looked to the side.

I giggled a bit at it.

"Hey Y/N?"


"Do you live here?"


Y/N slowly looked back at the sunset then back at me, "I'm not from around here actually..hehe!.."

I got confused on what Y/N was saying.

"What do you mean?"

"I actually live very far from here, but I accidentally got myself caught by your species and they took me far away from my family, friends, and..home!.." Y/N sobbed softly, "I-I have nothing now because of those people who took my life away. I have no family, friends , plus a place I could call home.." Y/N sighed.

I bent down to face Y/N then grabbed their face to face me, "Hey don't worry, you got me at-least!" I thought for a bit, "If you consider me as a friend!.." I scratched the back of my head, awkwardly. Y/N wiped their tears away then gave me a smile, which melted my heart!

"T-thank you, Balloon and also.." Y/N bent forward and..


"I consider you as a friend, maybe more!" I blushed at the end part on what Y/N had said.

"Well I gotta go now.. maybe tomorrow we can hang out more to get a better chance on each other?" Y/N said, shrugging.

I nodded at the offer, "Sure, I'll see you then!"

I slowly got up and was about to walk away until Y/N went into the water and jumped out of it, I fully saw how they looked like, they had a (SH/C) on, (F/C), and beautiful (H/C)!

For a second I felt like this was a dream, but then they went into the water and swam away.

I smiled to myself and walked away happily!

(Words Wrote: 817!!)

<Hiya! I hoped u enjoyed this <3! I'm working on more but I hope u really liked this! I'll be back soon for more, byebye!! Have a good day/night/afternoon!>

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