"Chapter Zero."

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This story is part of hero verse that both me and my cousin have been working on. And in this story witness the origin of two characters. Mason Grimm.

Who is the villain and is created by my cousin. Who has another awesome character named Sun Storm. Go check out his stories they are awesome.

And my Original Character named Carol Lang aka Overview. She was inspired by Supergirl. Her name is  Carol, inspired by Captain Marvel's real name.

And lang from Superman's first girlfriend Lana. Hope you enjoy it.

When you look to the sky, people see hope. They see stars, shining in the dark of the night. For me, I can remember seeing nothing but fire.

My name is Carol. I was named after the goddess of love and bravery or heroic. I am from a beautiful planet. There I lived with my father who was my world's brightest engineer.

My uncle, his name is Mason Grimm. I don't have that many memories of him. Just of me and my father. But what was soon to be my biggest memory, would be the one that I would never forget.

No matter how hard I would try. I can remember it so well. It was night time and my father had said that he needed to speak with my uncle.

He went into his lab and told me to wait outside in the hall. The next I knew I had heard loud sounds like shouting and yelling.

Sounds of things being thrown and tossed against the door. Loud sounds of smashing and breaking. And being a little girl, those sounds had started to scare me.

And so did what happened next. My father had quickly run out of the lab. And had grabbed me, not explaining to me why.

But as we ran down the hall, I heard loud sound noises coming after us. A man yelling angrily. It sounded like my uncle. But he sounded like a wild animal.

Father had to duck us inside a janitor's closet, which had hidden a secret door. Which had hidden a secret room with a secret rocket.

Daddy had put me down and had ready the rocket. Enough was enough and I had to find out. Daddy. What's going on? What's happening?

I'm so sorry my little start but, he told me with a worried look of fear on his face. I'm afraid that we need to leave. You mean leave our home.

I'm afraid, the planet. But why? Listen to me, sweetie. Something bad is about to happen. And I am sorry to tell you that, it is mainly due to your uncle.

What about Uncle Mason? My father had placed both of his hands on my shoulders and then looked me in the eyes and told me.

I'm sorry but, your uncle. He is not what we had thought he was. We can't stop him, so we need to leave. This rocket will send us to a safe planet. It's called Earth.

We will be safe there. But we must leave now. Without saying anything else. My father had placed me inside of the rocket. And had shut the door, and set the rocket on a timer.

I need to get something. Daddy no. Please. I'll be right back. But as I had watched my father run back out through those doors. I did not know or believe that it would be the last time that I would ever see him.

As the computer had counted down. The room had started to shake and quack all over. As the sealing was crumbling all around me.

I was totally scared. All I had walled was my daddy. But the countdown was almost up. And the rocket was starting to take off. I was looking for a way to open it.

But instead. I had turned on a computer that was showing my daddy's office. And on the screen, I saw him arguing with angry voices. And heard them say.

Maison, this is insane. You can't do this. You'll destroy our world. And I care why. I am a god, so why should I care about the life of a few mortals?

But you'll be destroying your world also. No, I won't. I am going to this earth. And to the people of that planet, I will be a god to them.

If I can't rule this world, then I'll just start over on a new one. No, I won't let you. My father was about to strike him. But my uncle had grabbed him and tossed him into his computer and had somehow fired heat from his eyes.

As the ground had started to rumble. He had left the room. And my father had sent me his final message from his office.

He said in a weak voice as he coughed. I am so sorry sweetie but, you'll have to go without me. No, Daddy. Sayonara My Little Star.

The countdown hit one. And the rocket had blasted out into the sky. But my ship would not be the only one.

Once I was far from enough from my planet. I watched as I saw an even larger ship turn its weapons onto my planet and destroy it.

I watched in horror as my home was turned to stardust. And all I could do was cry tears of sadness. Daddy. And as I was tearing the ships A. I was setting the course for this earth.

And it had placed me into sleep mode for the long trip. It would be like a short sleep. But it would feel more like a lifetime. A loud sound and flashing light soon awakened me.

As I opened my eyes, I was awakened to what had looked to be a planet. It was big, round, green, and blue. Could this be Earth? The ship swooped down to the surface.

It flew me over clouds and landed me in some kind of forest. The trees were tall, and very green. The lake was so full of life. But the big thing that I had felt was the warmness,

Of the earth's sun. It was so big, so bright, and so warm. It feels so good. I guess this is Earth. Oh, Daddy, I wish that you could see this place.

It's so beautiful. Just like our world was. I don't know what to do now. So, I guess I had better find some help. But had would soon notice something else.

Wait a second. Did I get taller somehow? And my voice. I sound so different. And my hair, it's gotten so long. What happened to me?

I soon found out. Out of the corner of my eye. I saw my reflection and saw something different. I saw myself. Only the thing was, I was now older.

I was about six years old, but now I looked to be about 15. Oh my gosh. What happened to me? As I was staring at myself. A loud sound had come from behind me.

I looked and saw some kind of brown animal, with pointy teeth. Round ears and a small round tail. It came charging at me and was about to attack.

When I had just punched it and had sent it flying what had looked to be about 15 feet away. What the? I did not know what just happened.

How did I do that? Ah! I screamed. Even bigger question. How am I doing this? I looked down and saw that I was floating in the air.

What's happening to me?

Overview by John Fritz 7/24/2022Where stories live. Discover now