Part 5: "OverView is back."

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The ship that had brought me here had pick up on my signed and had arrived to me, and once I was inside. I had settled a course for the sun.

Once I was at a safe distance. I got out and photon punch it right for the sun. The weapon that had killed my home would never hurt anyone ever again.

I did dad. I did it. But my ship had pick up something else. The reading was showing me that due to the metals alloy had caused a flair. And it was heading right for me.

Oh no. Autopilot engage. Get me out of here. The ship had turn right around for the earth. But my ship had not been used for so long that the rockets could not go faster.

The flair was catching up to me. I didn't know what might happen so I wanted to do something. So, I told the ship. Computer, find me a way to get in contact with the Lang's.

It did and by hacking into the radios in the city. Hello, can anyone hear me? My name is Carol. I am happy to let the people of the city and of the world that monarch's world killer device is gone.

It will no longer hurt anyone else. Monarch is still out there. But even dose manage to rebuild another one. The crystal that had power it was from my world and I had destroyed the last one.

But it doesn't look like I will make it back. So, in case I don't I want to tell the people of the world that I am sorry for what he has done.

And the Lang's I just wanted to say. Thank you. You had made me feel like I could call this beautiful planet home. And I wish that I could of have more time with you.

Because, you both have me feel like I had a family again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And to those who have powers. I only ask, to not be like my uncle.

Please help, restore this world back to it's amazing self. Help protect it and the ones who love you. Just like I have done. My name is Carol. But please remember as, Overview.

Named after overview air force. Goodbye and good luck. After my message had ended. There was a loud explosion in the sky. And all of the people who had saw it and heard my message had shed a Tear for the Fallen Hero.

But the most people who had cried more than anyone, was the two people who I was so proud to call a family.

What no one did know was that I had crashed right in the Overview hanger where Chris and I had gone to. But on impact. My ship had put me back into hipper sleep, while I was unconscious.

And it didn't take Monarch to arrive back to his building or for the Lang's to pack up and move far away from the city.

My uncle had arrived back all injured. Sir, one of the enforcers had called. Are you alright. For now. What happened? Your niece destroyed the device.

But her ship was destroyed, due to a flair from the sun. Any sign of her? No. Good, that mean she's dead. Now things can get back to normal around here.

That might not happen sir. Just before she died. She had sent out a message to the whole city. It will inspire new heroes. Then will just kill them too.

Yes, sir. By the way, I like your scar. It looks great. As monarch had went right to work rebuilding his building. Three weeks later. In the town of Isis.

The Lang's were having a memorial party. Thank you for coming everyone. Chris had told them. Today we are here to honor and give thanks to someone who was not a solider.

But she did fight like one. To help a world that was not her own. She may be gone but, she will always be remembered by what she did. And as a member of this family.

They had pulled out a case and in it was another watch from my ship. This is another one of the watches that was in Carol's ship.

But will be something for us to remember her by. Thank you, Carol. You will always be a member of the Lang family. They had place it right over the fire place.

The world will remember what she did Chris. And so, will we. Yeah, I just hope that she did inspire change around here. It will. It will.

Haley was not to wrong, because what did. Did do something, gave people hope. But this is not where it ends.

Years later. A lot of years later. A woman was up in the attack of the Lang house. Is this the last one grandma?

Yes, that's the finale box. Thank you for letting me have these. Hey, anything for our great granddaughter. Thank you, grandpa Chris.

Is there anything else that you would like me to take? Actually, hang on. He went into one of the boxes and had pulled out. Here take this.

What? Not I can't take that. Didn't that belong to that girl you found. Carol. Yes. It has brought us nothing but luck. And now we want you to have it.

Thank you. I'm sorry what had happened to her. I know that she felt like a daughter to you. She did indeed. Haley said with tears in her eye. I just wish we knew what had happened to her?

Elsewhere at what was left of the airfield. Two men who were working for this secret program were walking into the hanger about to start digging.

And as they had broken through the dirt more and more. They soon had hit something. They whip away the dirt and had found something. One of them cried out. General wind General wind.

We found something. The general had rush to see what they had found and the sight of it had put him in shock. Someone get me agent Lang here now!

The woman phone had rung just as the three of them were by her car. Hello, sir. Yes, I'm with my grandparents. What? We'll be right there.

What is it? A strong smell had filled the air causing me to open my eyes. Only to find that I was in some kind of bed. With three men in white outfits surrounding me.

I leap out of the bed and had toss them around the whole room and had grab one of them demanding. Where am I? Before he could tell me, three men dress like monarch's enforcers enter the room.

Hang on! Wait! attention everyone she's awake. I repeat she is awake! I had no idea where I was or what was going on. I just found out that I was in some kind of place filled with what had look to be solider.

And just as I was about to run off a man had told me. At East Soldier. I'm sorry about what happened back there. But we didn't know how you would react?

React to what? Who are you? my name is General wind. And this Diana Lang. It is so nice to meet you. And I take it that you remember these two.

Carol? At first, they had indeed felt kind of familiar. But as I had gotten a better look at them. Haley, Chris. Oh my. I was so happy that all I could do was give them a hug.

It's wonderful to see you both. But what happened? Is Monarch still in control? I need to get out of here. I need too. Carol. Haley said. Monarch is gone.

He's not around anymore. I told you that should would react this way. How else were we suppose to break it to her? Break what? You've been a sleep Carol. Chris said. For about 60 years.

I was? You were. Haley told. As I had was breathing heavily all I could say was. Not again.

Overview by John Fritz 7/24/2022Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora